Michael Crawford
I am a huge fan of Michael C.!! I have all his CD's and his concert from 1998 on PBS!!! I'm sure so many here are too!
I watched the "O' Holy Night" segment from this "Ghosts Of Christmas Eve" show on Youtube. I thoruhgly enjoyed it but I noticed something.
His performance of O Holy Night in this show/ movie sounds IDENTICAL to his performance segment on the 1993 special of David Foster's Christmas Album.
If anyone has seen The David Foster Christmas Special that was aired in December of 1993, you would have seen Michael perform "O Holy Night" along side a piano with a children's choir coming in on the second verse.
The "O Holy Night" in David Foster's Christmas Album, and the "O Holy Night" in this show that I saw on Youtube sound identicaly the same. The only the different are the sets/stages.
It could possibly be the same children's choir in this show as in the David Foster Christmas Album but I do not know. It might be a different children's choir.
I am just wondering if the O Holy Night in this is a playback from David Foster's Christmas Album special.
Possibly, I am wondering if Michael is lip-synching to playback from when the song was first shown on David Foster's Christmas Album??
Possibly he is not even singing, but lip-synching to this exact same performance seen originaly on David Foster's Christmas Album.
Does anyone know for sure if he is lip-synching to playback of this song from the David Foster Special??
Anyone that has seen the David Foster Christmas Special and remembers it will clearly hear the O Holy Night heard in that special in this "Ghosts Of Christmas Eve".
What are the purposes of signatures!!..