when i decide if a show is appropriate for my children, I don't look at it in terms of "does it have the appropriate lack of 'bad' things such as language, nudity, violence." I look at the overall theme, messege, ect. (the sum is worth more than it's parts!)
For example, a movie w/ violent scenes is not the same as a movie that glorifies violence. what if a movie shows no sex scenes and uses no bad words and euphamisms about sex BUT has an overall negative, disgusting, overly casual or disrespectful attitde about sex (the movie itself, not individual characters)?
then again, what if the movie is beauful and tasteful but simply deals w/ issues that are way over the child's head, or emotionaly overwealming?
MOST important to me is what will my child carry away from this movie. (it could be attitudes or it could be repeatedly saying an innapropriate phrase or it could be nothing at all)
Only YOU know your child, what you allow and what you're child can handle. However, I think a flash of boob or two people rolling around under a blanket or whatever is more than redeamable IF THE MOVIE ITSELF IS WORTHWHILE AND APRROPRIATE. You can always have discussions about individual things that you find objectionable with your child.
PS. Unless you are Omish (and even then) your 14 year old boy is a lot less sheltered than you think.
Overall Advice: Watch it for yourself first. Then decide.