An Overanalyzation

I know I'm thinking about this too much but in the beginning,When Trevor sees the boy who eventually kills him, sneak something in through the metal detectors, does anyone else think it was a mistake for Trevor to see this?

I think it was a mistake because:

*Trevor knew, that when he was trying to save his friend at the end, he was going towards students who most likely had weapons on them, because they aided in smuggling the weapon in...

*Trevor did not report this [the weapon smuggling]to an official who could prevent another student from being hurt, he wasn't thinking of others.

*It was possibly the same knife that killed him which is ironic...

I realize he is only 12, but I still think the protagonist wouldn't let this happen...and he shouldn't have been able to see the boys at the metal detector, but it was good to establish the nature of the bullies

or...are they saying his teacher changed his outlook?

Thoughts please


I think in the beginning, he was scared. He just wanted to get his friend and get away from the situation as quick as possible.

The midget I'm dating could be my daughter! ~Denny Crane




I think the point is that if Trevor had continued to not do anything - not report, not help his friend - then he would never have been killed.

Trevor chose to intervene through "pay it forward" which eventually cost him his life, but there was so much more good that came out of it by taking the chance.
