MovieChat Forums > Pay It Forward (2000) Discussion > questions on the movie pay it forward

questions on the movie pay it forward

1. How are the major characters introduced? what does this tell us about what will happen in the story?

2. what motivates the major characters?

3Do you think about junior high( middle) school to be "a hellish, shaky bridge you must get across" in order to go to high school?

4.Doyou think about whats going on in the outside world when you are not in your not in your socail studies class? Tell me some of the things that you think about?

5.What does the world expect of you?

6. Do you like what te world is? what if the world is disappointing?

7. The conclusion of the story sugguests a solution to the conflict that can be appiled to the human condition in general. What values or principles that inform the actions of the characters can help people resolve their own life's conflicts?

8. Discuss how taking an action like " paying it forward" reflects the ideals of what it means to be a responsible American citizen?
