The answer to why people slate it is as simple as the "pay it forward" idea itself. Our society follows the exact opposite philosophy "Loyalty"
the ending of the film demonstrates this perfectly. although a very effective tear jerker, candle lit ending, as it is, it defeats the whole object of "pay it forward" which is about random acts of generosity which spread beyond your circle of friends and families.
"pay it forward" works when one do not care about where the the generosity came from, one is only concerned with passing that generosity "forward", If one starts to back track and in this case pay great homage to the originator then the whole system breaks down and we become concerned with paying "back".... and therefore brings the audience safely back to their comfort zone, the society they know and love, which require loyalty (or paying back)
I like the film because the characters are interesting. the "pay it forward" idea sucks !
it has too many flaws and it confirms what the teacher told Trevor, "you are young, you do not know everything" and indeed as an 11 year old how would Trevor know that "pyramid sales systems" don't work !
why do people hate this film? because it is so scary it is almost fanatical to suggest that we should break down this wonderful society that we built for ourselves in the last 10000 years !