Should be a law...

..for everyone to have to watch this movie; just once. Do the world good. Simple but BEAUTIFUL story. Some films are just that way. Kevin Spacey said it best in some interview, to the effect of a lot of movies have CG and flash and glitter, but that in the end, the STORY is the thing. Very character driven movie - should be more of those in Hollywood.

"Do they not know that their little arms are too short to box with God?!" -
'Mr. Lonely'


Agree! I thought this film was so moving... And it made me think... You really feel for the characters... There are people that love it, but also a lot of people who slate it, and i can't understand that

Love is a force of nature


I know. I don't get why people hate this movie so much. It is definitely one of the best films I've seen in a very long time, and just about my entire AP Psychology class agrees, after having watched it in class one day.

I asked you not to tell me that!


I have given this movie to countless friends as a socking stuffer (paying it forward) and we watch it every time we camp with all our fellow campers invited. It is a great movie for any kid 10 and over.


I get one or two copies of this movie every year. And I give one or two copies away every (next) year.

Can someone make it stop?


The answer to why people slate it is as simple as the "pay it forward" idea itself. Our society follows the exact opposite philosophy "Loyalty"

the ending of the film demonstrates this perfectly. although a very effective tear jerker, candle lit ending, as it is, it defeats the whole object of "pay it forward" which is about random acts of generosity which spread beyond your circle of friends and families.

"pay it forward" works when one do not care about where the the generosity came from, one is only concerned with passing that generosity "forward", If one starts to back track and in this case pay great homage to the originator then the whole system breaks down and we become concerned with paying "back".... and therefore brings the audience safely back to their comfort zone, the society they know and love, which require loyalty (or paying back)

I like the film because the characters are interesting. the "pay it forward" idea sucks !
it has too many flaws and it confirms what the teacher told Trevor, "you are young, you do not know everything" and indeed as an 11 year old how would Trevor know that "pyramid sales systems" don't work !

why do people hate this film? because it is so scary it is almost fanatical to suggest that we should break down this wonderful society that we built for ourselves in the last 10000 years !


just watched it. WOW, amazing


Hummm, have a theory why some might "hate" this movie

Perhaps it pricks their conscience causing them to realize the truth in the film, which forces them to face that truth as it exists in their own life.

While some people will find that revelation inspiring and life affirming, others will become afraid and turn angry with hate.

But, is just a theory ;-)


Two words:

HELEN *beep*


Perhaps it pricks their conscience causing them to realize the truth in the film, which forces them to face that truth as it exists in their own life.

Maybe it just plain sucks, ever think of that?

Personally I think the idea the movie was trying to get across was brilliant. Everyone should try to pay it forward in their own lives, not because they might get something out of it through karmic resolution but just for the simple act of helping someone. But I hated the film. Bad acting, bad dialog, bad score, just bad all across the boards. It's not an issue of conscience so much as it as an issue of taste.

But that's just my theory.


Make it law to watch this dreck?

Although the sentiment doesn't suck, the cliche' story, lame acting, and woeful production design are a joke. I like my films a wee bit more sophisticated if their gonna try to be so preachy. There's already enough sledge-hammers in the hands of folks like Tyler Perry and Michael Bay.

If you like it, fine, but really the film as a production is laughably hammy and bad. I mean, just the set-design on the classroom was enough to annoy me, not to mention the bad acting.

If you engage life on simple terms and don't challenge yourself too much intellectually, then this flick is for you, but I've been trying to get past that phase in my life for awhile now so watching films like this seem like some sort of personal retardation of that goal.

Watch Ikiru by Akira Kurosawa if you want to see a subtle yet beautiful life affirming movie that more or less invented this sentimental style of film well over 50 years ago.


a good movie


If they made a law that everyone has to watch this movie that would just not be fair. Plus there are cuss words in this movie and if Trevor can say *beep* and I legally have to watch this than I can say *beep* whenever I want to. I could say *beep* to babies. I could say *beep* to Judge Judy. I could say *beep* to anyone I want. Is that really gonna make the world a better place?

Live Together, Cry Alone!


Laws that force someone to buy a product should not exist. As well as laws which force someone to do something if they have committed no crime should not exist. Prisoners also should not be forced to do work because that is slavery. Maybe have a program where they can voluntarily do work but where it is not required.


It's a turn of phrase you hipster moron. This thread is about a movie; what do you do? Let me guess: troll anywhere you're allowed to leave a sanctimonious speech? Go watch Fox news or something. What the hell prisoners and slavery has to do with "Pay It Forward" in your mind, I cant imagine... You sound like a 14 year old kid. Grow up you ignorant little imp and dont come back until you have something meaningful to say about the film being discussed on the board.

"Do they not know that their little arms are too short to box with God?!" -
'Mr. Lonely'


I agree. This film has an important message that everyone can learn from. The world doesn't have to be horrible: we choose to see it that way, but we don't have to.

Obviously, probably not 100% of the recipients of pay it forward will actually follow through, but enough will that can really change things for many, many people. Also, it is incredibly life-changing and fulfilling for the person that does choose to pay it forward.

I really enjoyed this film. Sure, there were a few sappy moments and I didn't care for a certain event at the end of the film, but all in all, I felt it was very well done. Helen Hunt and Kevin Spacey were very believable in their roles.

