MovieChat Forums > Pay It Forward (2000) Discussion > Did anyone ever have 7th grade teacher l...

Did anyone ever have 7th grade teacher like that?

Did anyone ever have a 7th grade teacher like that. So, I'm sittin hear typing a persuasive essay for my english composition class, and I am watching/ listening to this movie at the same time. The teacher just seems more like a college proffessor. At least at this point in the movie he does. ( I started typing this on IMDB after Helen Hunt asked Kevin Spacey what the assignment was). I just started thinking to myself, I don't think that anyone has ever had a 7th grade teacher like this.


No. But certainly we'd all like to.

I'd definitely go to class having a teacher that good :)


I've had teachers who have definitely inspired me substantially.
they have come in different moments in my life and have all left their marks. i think the first time i consciously realized what was happening, I was in the 9th grade. We read Farenheit 451. The book and discussion opened my eyes. Since then, (Im now in 2nd year of college) I always seem to find people who push me more and more. Last semester I was lucky enough to have two.

Lets assume 7th grade teachers like Eugene Simonet really exist and touch kids like Trevor out there...then geez, arent they lucky. And in effect, arent we all.

In Omnia Paratus



My history teacher for 11th grade's like that.
he's awesome


I've had a few like him actually. Excellent teachers have made a huge difference in my life.


My 7th grade teacher was just like him (apart from the looks), he encouraged everyone one in my grade (31 kids, school only had 176 kids in total) and I still remember his name, wonder if I might bump into him sometime in my future!

Difficult takes a day to accomplish; Impossible takes a week


Nah. I went to a convent back in the 60's and those nuns were the meanest old hags I have ever met. Brides of Satan! I am serious.


My 7th grade teacher was big fat obnoxious bully. She was completwly insane and ate pizza while trying to teach. She is currently in a mental hospital. Serious! She attacked a kid walking home!


Maybe she was one the nuns from my old school! :)


^ what the hell, lol? (to what skatelikehelltoyrules said)


I was tremendously blessed to have a teacher like that in the 6,7,and 8th grades. She taught me what it means to be an American - having the freedom to be a responsible person. Which, in a way, is what this movie is saying.


Except for a shop teacher, a science teacher, and a mechanical drawing teacher, (yes, back in the day you could take shop), the teachers I had in Jr. High (again, back in the day...7, 8, 9 were jr.high) were all jerks.

Most were on power trips and none of whom I would call "teacher." The coaches were the worst.


i had a teacher like that in the fourth grade no lie!! my mom thought she was crazy! she would make us write alot alot. and yeah she treated every 9 and 10 year old in there like we were freshmen in collage! really hard teacher. then i had another on in the 9th grade....not a very nice first high school experience...but i got through





i've had a couple of teachers like that, but one always stuck with me. Mr. Conforto taught my 7th grade Social Studies. Every day he challenged us with a country of the day, that we had to guess based on current events. He opened our eyes to the world, which most of us never think about. It was phenomenal.

to parley or to fight; therefore prepare


I had a teacher in high school English who had a reputation for being the hardest teacher...and she was! But she got the best out of everyone - including me. I learned so much from her that I signed up for her journalism class the next year. She was even tougher in this class, and I struggled to do well. Then one day she stopped me as I was leaving class and told me my writing was really improving, and subsequently I received my first A from her. It meant so much to me at the time, and I still remember her fondly.
