Trevor's character * a few spoilers*
I really like this movie,and I think the Pay it Forward idea is fantastic. I also like the way Trevor is remarkable and mature for his age, with his Pay it Forward scheme, especially given the rough background he has. You do get kids like that, so I don't think this was unrealistic.
Just one or two minor problems I have with the movie. They don't by any means spoil the film for me, but wanted to share them here...
Trevor was undoubtedly clever and insightful,but like his teacher said to him "You don't understand everything". I think the movie made it look like Trevor was ALWAYS right, that anyone who disagreed with him or wasn't convinced by everything he said was proved wrong, and I found that slightly irritating. Nobody, however wonderful they are, has it all together all the time.
Trevor's mum was wrong to slap him, and I understand her alcoholism must have been hard for him, but in my opinion he was still far too rude to her. He is constantly annoyed, even mad at her, even when she is working long hours to provide for both of them, and he doesn't communicate with her at all, even when she's trying to have a normal conversation with him and ask him how school was on his first day back. And when she asks him who Mr Simonet is, he ignores her.
She was right to apologise to him for hitting him, and she obviously cared about him, even when she was an alcoholic, otherwise she wouldn't have got Mr Simonet to help her track him down when he runs away. I think Trevor should have apologised to her too, for saying "I hate the way you smell...." etc.
Other than that - a heartwarming, thought-provoking and fascinating film. I have a friend who did Pay it Forward and I have for a while felt motivated by the basic idea of the film, in trying to make other people's lives better whenever I can, and in looking out for needy people. I owe that partially to Pay it Forward. And I like the way they show that although the world is a dark place and things don't always work out as you planned or hoped (or in your ideal time scale), they can either work out later on (his mum and teacher reconcile and get back together in the end), or they work out differently but just as well (Jerry goes back to drugs but then removes himself from that lifestyle and saves a woman's life). In that sense the film is both realistic and hopeful.