my thoughts to your questions are: Dan Cain probably turned states evidence against Herbert West because like you said, he wanted a normal life: He had a good looking girlfriend and being that she was the daughter of the head guy at the Medical school who'd favored him isn't a bad factor. The fact that Herbert's appearance in Dan's life turned everything inside out for Cain is a seed for hate, I would. And also, cops are relentless and thirsty and they are trained to break people who're not prone to police interrogation.
I think introducing Howard was an attempt for a fresh start being that Cain reappearing in another spin off story after the second one sucked would be too much of a chance to take. Also if Herbert is in prison with no kind of access to medical tools, his re-agent and a lab where he has to experiment on "Ratty", how else could he get that power again. Would Dan just go to the prison infirmary just to link up with Herbert given their history?-I don't think so. So if not Howard, than who?-It had to be somebody and there wouldn't of been any possibility of this if they have not had some sort of tragic history that interelates to West's experiments.
And Herbert West isn't insane. He's a borderline sociopath. He's cold, cruel and he doesn't care about anything outside of his research. And of course when you throw this into the mix, of course he's rational when people are suffering the tragedies of the living dead.
-Hope that satisfies you.
As for me, what I didn't like about the movie was that it was shot in Spain and though I didn't check any kind of location shots or anything like that, I could tell.
Being that was said, I liked the nurse given that she has some skimpy tight see through white nurse dress on ( I guess that's hospital service in Europe) but besides her asking to be raped by a prisoner or a zombie (which she didn't) it definately killed the realism of it for lack of better word.
Ratty was cool.
The reannimated corpses wasn't. Aside from Dr Hill's raspy voice due to being decapitated, he was the most intelligeable person which to me made sense since he was very strong in Hypnotic suggestion which tells me that his mental state was so strong that his will survived past death.
But dumb and violent people would be violent reanimated people especially since they were prisoners and not dead stiffs in the morgue-get it?
What also killed it for me was the warden turning into a rat kind of person.
When I had seen this when it came to dvd, I was happy because at last another series installed to the story but when I'd re-seened it and comparing it to the original-BLAH.