
i saw the 3rd re-animator and it pretty much sucked but it had some good jokes from the begining. But later in the movie all the jokes sucked not even much gore and in the end being a complet mess of bad jokes and no gore just disturbing stuff if you now wath i the 1st worth my time becuse i am on a search for a new horror/comedy/splatter In the same type as Evil dead trilogy and bad taste and braindead etc. so i watched this movie and it wasent so good but is it worth watching the first one....the few pics i have seen looks good. And !no spoilers!plx
px.any other horror/comedy would do!


I never got an answer but i got me a 2-disc Ultimate edition of the first Re-animator and i watched it and let's say i enyojed it so much that someday i will give Beyond another watch(maybe)

the only thing that disturbed me was all the naked people in the film cuse i'm not used to that sort of stuff, but anyway i liked the movie alot...

Derek:The head shot's the only true stopper.


You're not used to "that sort of stuff"? What are you, a mormon or something?


"the only thing that disturbed me was all the naked people in the film cuse i'm not used to that sort of stuff, but anyway i liked the movie alot..."

wait, wait, wait

a movie full of violence and gore, and the only thing that disturbed you was a couple of naked bodies?

that seems so confusing and wrong


I'm sad you didn't understand the ironi of my little "in joke" but anyway glad someone noticed it, don't worry ^^

Derek:The head shot's the only true stopper.
