I believe that sums it up.


Lalalalala DAY OF THE DEAD RIPOFF lalalalalala

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"




You know, the jawless zombie in Day of the Dead, at the very beginning

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"



That reanimated corpse at the beginning (the Dr. Tongue rip-off) was drinking milk, right?
GOT MILK = milk reference = zombie drinking milk

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"



Beyond Re-Animator better than Day of the Dead?
While I personally enjoyed DotD greatly (and own the uber-awesome 2-disc Divimax DVD), I thought Beyond Re-Animator was lacking something. It ended up being a schlocky slime-fest, albeit very funny and memorable (Ratty vs. Warden's member anyone?), and was severely different in tone than the previous two. Both this and DotD are the third of their respective trilogies (Screw Land of the Dead - the original three made a nice set), but I believe that Day of the Dead ends was -----

(got tired of typing)

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"



Yeah, this should be an actual milk commercial. I would totally buy more milk.


I could have sworn this movie was funded by the National Dairy Council. They are an aggressive bunch. You really wouldn't like their edgier "Behold the Power of Cheese" commercial in another movie.


Well said.


Oh yes, very well said.

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time".

