ive just bought the dvd and when i go to watch it this thing called TCR with the time of how far into the film it is comes up which i cant get rid of plus it says theres special features on the case but none that i can find does anyone else have this problem or maybe i got a faulty dvd :/


HOW west it also says that this dvd is not for rent or sale and that it is a first generation copy produced mosaic entertainment?????


Where did you get it from?


just the virgin mega store in liverpool


I've got this problem too, I bought my dvd at virgin megastore in colchester and its exactly as you describe, kinda sucks, I can't take it back as I bought it months ago and lost the receipt, I only just got round to watching it. Oh well.

My Animationshttp://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Screechingweasel82


Not necessarily a pirate copy but a screener copy. We have occasionally received such screeners to our video store, in the early days on VHS but later on DVDs. The time code was very common on the screener VHS but less so on the screener DVDs. If the packaging was identical to that of the retail version they could have mixed up the screeners with those and accidentally selling them off.

Full description of the Mosaic release:


ah well i still watched it and enjoyed it.


TCR is the time code and I've only ever seen it on workprints. I'd say it's a Pirate copy if you hadn't bought it legit.
Watch it, then if possible compare it to the usual UK release, you may have a longer 'workprint' version duped by accident. It's happened before!


Yep, this is on my DVD as well. Not the end of the world. In fact, it makes me feel quite important, watching a screener copy...
