dont play in the clothes drier

No I'm not spamming the board. My sister told me that in one of the sonic says segments, there was some incredibly stupid advice like "don't play in the clothes drier."

Anyone see this?


Yes, that's from the episode "Musta Been A Beautiful Baby", as it opens with Robotnik having captured Sonic and Tails and put them a weird trap that resembles a clothes dryer.



I had never heard of the Sonic Sez shorts until reading about them here on the boards. They didn't broadcast them on the channels I grew up watching(I think they're just an American thing?) But the tumble drier one has got to be the stupidest of all I've seen thus far online.

What idiot child needs to be told not to ride in a tumble drier? Because if they're thick enough to do it in the first place, they probably wouldn't have listened when Sonic said it anyway.

reply algia-critic/4762-adventures-of-sonic-the-hedgehog

Doug Walker- "Yeah, because this is such a national problem they need to advertise this on a kid's tv show. Then again, given the inteliigance of the kids watching this show, this lesson is very important for them. When they're not busy trying to operate heavy machinery with their BUTCHEEKS, they're probably busy going around doing something stupid like this!!! I mean, what could you possibly teach kids that is any stupider than that!!!

Sonic (clip from tv show)- Remember kids, even you can learn something from a sloth.

Doug Walker-...(takes out a gun, begins to shoot characters from the show) *beep* this show. *beep* this show! *beep* this show! *beep* it, *beep* it, *beep* it.

This show had a lot of stupid Sonic Sez lessons. There was one on suicide, and also one on sexual harrassment.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around, you could miss it- Feris Bueller


I find it incredibly insulting that NC called the fanbase of the show stupid, especially since I loved the show as a kid and while it has its faults, I still enjoy the episodes. I mean I know he was trying to make a point about how illogic some of the Sonic Sez segments were, but it just made him sound like a complete and utter douchebag.

The Sonic Sez segments were so stupid, but so hilarious.

Also it was revealed in a commentary that Adventures actually made him laugh and while most of the fans of the NC began disliking the old show after seeing the review, it had the opposite effect on Doug Walker, he loves the show now. So I guess that makes him stupid according to his "logic." :/ here's the commentary incase you want to check it out.

Although I found his review lacking and unfair, simply having no points for how AoSTH was "bad" other than "OH MY GOD THIS IS CRAZY WHOA THIS IS CRAZY!" but cartoons like that are SUPPOSED to be crazy, that's the entire point of it. So yeah I felt his review was biased and completely missed the point of the show. Besides, there are much worse Sonic shows out there *COUGH*SONICX*COUGH*SONICUNDERGROUND*COUGH*

But yeah I REALLY dislike the NC as well as his god damn mindless fanboys nowadays that do nothing but quote his painfully unfunny jokes and his biased views, he's gone downhill that's for sure.


I find NC hilarious, however, and this review of his is one of my favorites, and it's actually because of what you said. Ok, yeah, most of the review was him talking about what was illogical about the show (Robotnic's sidekicks, Sonic's chili dog obsession, blowing into your hand to make a woman), but those were the funny parts of the review, especially NC's reactions and mannuerisms. Like when he shows the Sonic Sez where Sonic said you can learn something from a sloth, the look on NC's face was priceless. Or when Sonic told the robot that he was over there and the robot looks, NC's reaction was great.

So again, yeah, I guess all he did in the review was talk about how illogic it was, which is kind of unfair, but he still got a lot of good laughs out of me. I liked this show as a kid, and really all NC did most of the review was (shows part of the show) "How is that possible?" (shows part of show) "That doesn't make any sense." (shows part of show) "How is that possible?", and that's how kid's cartoons are supposed to be, but I think he made really funny in the process.

But yeah, Sonic X sucked, and I wouldn't say NC is going downhill, but I didn't like his two most recent reviews, Independece Day and Hook. With Independence Day, I didn't like it because it was a movie that people actually like, but he hates, unlike just about all his other reviews, which are movies that almost nobody likes in the first place, which made the reviews funny. But even then he makes his reviews funny. The Hook review I didn't like as much because it was a movie he somewhat liked. Again, his reviews are at his funniest when it's about a movie he and a lot of other people hate. But again, even at his lowest points, NC is still really hilarious.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around, you could miss it- Feris Bueller
