My problem with the film
This film tried to be good, but in my opinion it failed. It seems like the director invested too much into the house, however, the house wasn't really a driving force in the narrative. Yes, the house did uncover the erroneous nature of the couple, but it wasn't the cause or motivation for their problems. For example, in The Shining by Stanley Kubrick, the hotel was a driving force in the narrative and it was responsible for the disintegration of the family unit, but in this film the house held no true significance. It wasn't responsible for any of the characters' downfall, so why put so much emphasis on it? I'll have to rewatch the film, but in the meantime I just found that to be problematic.
And the foreshadowing was atrociously blunt. The camera even focuses on the text, "revenge drama", on the Hamlet paper, even though it's not a "drama" it's a "tragedy."
It's a wonderfully shot film, but it's the wrong direction. The focus should've been more on the characters and not the house.