MovieChat Forums > The Glass House (2001) Discussion > Great story but poorly done

Great story but poorly done

I know there are other posts like this, so I apologize if it is repeating others' thoughts. However, I just started my own for simplicity's sake.

I always watch this movie when I catch it on TV. There is something about the story and the film itself that is very interesting and exciting. However, the bulk of this movie is not very well done. I think this is such a shame because it really is a a great, creepy story. It reminds me of something Alfred Hitchcock would of done (although I am not a Hitchcock scholar, so HC lovers may disagree with me). So much occurs in the film that is unexplained, and so much of the timing is unrealistic. The part where the main girl is listening to her adoptive father's late night phone conversation and she hangs up the phone and hides from him in a matter of seconds always bugs me. Then the other glaring inconsistency is the part where the adoptive parents have completely removed all incriminating substance from the house as well as make a completely separate room for the older girl without any kind of warning. Those parts never made any sense to me.

Also, others have commented on something missing from the story, or it could have ben way scarier and creepy. I would agree. I can't really figure out what it is that's missing, but something definitely is.Other than those things though, it's actually pretty good.


I agree with you on most points but the reason they were able to make a room for her is because the lawyer called them and warned them that she would be seeking a social worker.


You have made some good points but am I not right in stating that the Glass couple left some incriminating letters in a drawer for Ruby to find?


I think maybe if we had a better sense of the Glasses' history, the storyline may have been a little better/suspenseful. Then the audience would be able to keep up with and relate to Terry and/or Erin. I *love* this movie, but I agree, it could have been done a little better!
