Some questions...
Questions ~
Did the social worker believe Ruby? I wasn't sure...I was so disappointed when she got there and everything looked normal! lol
Were Erin and Terry *always* going to kill Ruby and Rhett, or was their original plan just to slowly drain their trust fund by pretending, as Terry did in the bank, to be using the money for home improvments, music lessons, etc. It just seemed that the slow way would not have taken care of his debts, so maybe the idea was, from the beginning, to kill them quickly once they moved in?
Was Terry hitting on Ruby (pool and restaurant scenes, "shoulderbelt" part), or just trying to unnerve her into complaining so that Erin would not be sympathetic to her? Maybe he was planning on telling Erin Ruby hit on him? (I thought it seemed like Erin really cared about Ruby and Rhett, not just out of guilt).
After Ruby and Terry left the restaurant, *wtf* was he driving like that? He seems to drive normally in the car scenes after that...maybe because he noticed she was scared? He did look sort of surprized to see her holding onto the door. Maybe it was just the effects of all that Ketel One at dinner, lol..
Finally, during the scene where Terry is holding her down, why does Ruby say to Erin, "He won't hurt you, I promise?" Who is she talking about? I actually put the subtitles on and figured it was a mistake and that she meant to say, "WE won't hurt you," meaning if Erin would help, she and Rhett would go to the authorities and implicate only Terry, but idk...
Observations ~
I liked how it was sort of ambiguous about whether Vickie was fired because she drove Ruby to Begleiter's office without permission...or because they couldn't afford to pay her salary anymore...
I though Diane Lane was so good in this...Her expression when she's told to go see the medical director is *heartbreaking*...I'm not excusing what she did (or, rather, what she let Terry do), but the guilt really destroyed her...At times, I even felt sorry for Terry because he was in such a desperate situation as to the debt...Both Lane and Skarsgard made you care about the characters even though they are of course, both weak and selfish.
Just my 2 cents... ;)
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