You missed a fair amount. Let's see, Terry tried to borrow money from the bank on the kid's trust. The bank officer notified the trust lawyer who showed up later at the house to tell Terry he was being investigated. Meanwhile, Erin had been caught diverting drugs and lost her medical license, she overdosed herself and took the easy way out. Terry locked the kids in the basement, drilled the brake fluid hose on the Jag, then backed it out of the garage and conveniently left it by the basement window (where the kids were trying to escape). He then went inside and "drank" a bottle of vodka and appeared to pass out. Rhett crawls out the basement window, takes Terry's car keys and lets Ruby out. Ruby questions why Terry would drink so heavily right now with so much going on (not a pattern for him) and they are hiding in the kitchen when the doorbell rings. Terry sits bolt upright and answers the door. It's Begleiter, the trust lawyer, come to tell Terry his fiduciary rights have been suspended. Suddenly, a red Ferrari pulls up (with GLASS3 plates). It is the thugs come to collect that, Glass and his Jag. the lawyer gets stabbed trying to leave and Glass keeps yelling "not the Jag!" Ruby, anticipates a switch and sneaks into the garage, slashing the tires on the Volvo so Glass and his kidnappers have to take the sabataged Jaguar. Ruby watches as they leave, soon to have terrible accidents on the canyon road. The next scene shows the kids walking on the road and getting picked up by an officer. He stops a moment to investigate a car gone off the road. He calls in a report of ONE fatality and gets clobbered by Terry who is bloody but not dead. Rhett warns Ruby as Terry appears on the road, she takes the wheel of the squad car and as Terry pulls out the officer's gun, she hits him with the police car. Sirens are heard and the movie ends with more police showing up.
They've got a cave troll!