Why is this not in the bottom 100?
Seriously, this is one of the worst movies Ive ever seen.
Now, I hate it when people say stuff like "I want my money back" after watching a movie. I think its a completely stupid and ignorant thing to say.
But this is one of the only movies where I have gone outside the cinema and felt like I had completely wasted my time. I never said i wanted my money back but I did say that i cant believe i just paid to watch that crap.
We didnt even really wanna see it in the first place but we had already watched everything else.
This goes on my list as one of the worst movies I have ever seen, along with What Lies Beneath which I also felt was a complete waste of time. I fell asleep while watching both movies and I never fall asleep while watching movies. I just lost interest.
I was going down the list in the top 100 and there were many films I thought were better then this.