Sobieski naked?

I started to watch this movie and about five minutes into it, the DVD had a glitch. Not that I would watch a movie just to see someone naked, but if I knew the lovely Ms. Sobieksi had a nude or at least topless scene in this it would certainly motivate me to try again.



Yeah I think she must have been about 16 or 17 when this movie was in production. So I don't think that would have happened or even been considered




According to my research, Miss Sobieski was nineteen (19) at the time of production of "The Glass House." A nineteen year-old playing a sixteen year-old...and a totally gorgeous body!!



I dunno, horseface was never that attractive to me, even in Joyride. We used to make fun of her and her voice back in the day. Yeah she has big honkers, but that acting was abysmal.



Horses are beautiful animals, so why is that such an insult? She's not the greatest actress in the world, but she's not the worst either.

She actually has nude scenes in a French movie called "The Idol" (where she also speaks in French most of the movie!). I wouldn't have expected her to have any in this, not because she was underage, but because it's a PG-13 teen movie. Hollywood these days doesn't feel teens can see nudity in movies because it might make them masturbate (well, masturbate even MORE), or it might make them want to have sex (which would never otherwise occur to them I'm sure).


Really, horses are beautiful. Strange looking animals carrying people on their backs and take big dumps in front of people and are one of the most smelliest animals on the planet. Flies are always around them. I can't stand horses.

Not true about PG-13 movies not having nudity. Doc Hollywood comes to mind. I think I saw quite few more than that PG-13. The Wraith was originally PG-13 but was changed to an R.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.


Some nudity is allowed in PG-13 if it is not sexual.
