MovieChat Forums > Chasing Sleep (2001) Discussion > One of the creepiest scenes in movie his...

One of the creepiest scenes in movie history

In my opinion, there is a scene in this movie that is so weird, gross and disturbing, I have to put it up among the most creepy scenes I've ever seen in a movie.

If you've seen it, you probably know what I'm talking about, but if not...

The baby in the bathtub.

That freaked me out, and I am not easily freaked my friends.

This whole movie gave me kind of a David Lynch vibe, in Lynch's more lucid moments.

"I've seen things that would make you want to write a book on how to puke."


I know, I was around 12 years old when I first saw it and I know I will never forget that image. NEVER.
I play cards with J.D. Shelnut, chief of PO-lice! So kiss my ass, you old bastard!


Yeah, just like eraserhead


I love Eraserhead


so unexpected and out of place makes it really really creepy!


I came here to post about the huge baby. But when I saw the title of the this thread, I knew instantly that someone beat me to it.

That scene was shell shocking. I couldn't believe what I saw.


did you honestly think that no one mentioned such a scene before you here?

It is fun and games until someone gets caught. Then it's rape.


Did you notice how much it looked like Julian McMahon?

Even the expression "a face only a mother could love" wouldn't apply here.

If you're too old to cut the mustard, you can always lick the jar.


I've seen far more disturbing


This looks interesting. Any idea where to watch it?



