The Pills

Was it me, or did it seem like just about everyone was popping pills? the beginning, when the main character takes some sleeping pills, you see the label, and I think the label is "Dreamitol" (Dream It All?)

Just wanted to get your thoughts on this.


Everyone is popping pills, except the girl has an inhaler. Drug-induced America. I still have the Dreamitol bottle in my bathroom. The warning on the label reads something like: "Do not take this medicine if you have any emotional connection to the human race."


The girl actually says in the film that the pharmacy is like her second home.


I had the feeling that they were all taking the same pills. The Dr. said he knew many of the police officers, so he may have prescribed the pills to them. He also said they were new and that it 'chemically stabilizes the immune acids in the brain' (whatever that means). He then told him not to take more than 6 pills a day. I never heard of taking so many pills during the day for sleep. It's usually one at night. The others were taking pills at a scheduled time and they looked similar to each others.

Your thought on the label 'Dreamitol' was perceptive.


100 Ibuproofren 200 mg CAPLETS, USB

Dream Enhancer / Fever Inducer

For the relief of pain at its outburst, take as
many pills as you can swallow until dreams
overtake your perception of reaity. Be cautions
of the amount only when concerned with returning to
reality. Otherwise, thake the entire bottle for
a simple disconnection from the pain of existance.


yep, i was actually gonna pont that out; beat me to it
