Whats up with that doctor?
There was something really weird about that doc.
He said his own wife was murdered and that they never caught the guy who did it, but the way he described it in that detailed way, the psyche and motives of the killer and all make it sound like he did it.
He pops pills like twinkies just like Ed. Actually, the doc reminds me of Ed as if Ed imagined him the whole time.
You can say it was all verbal gymnastics to trick Ed into incriminating himself in that scene but the two are way too alike. It didn't sound something the doc regurgitated from a rehearsed psychology paper, like he really had an insight into why someone would murder his wife.
That leaves two possibilities for me:
1) Ed hallucinated the doctor who symbolizes himself
2) The doc is one creepy motherfuçker who has "personal experience"
Even if my theories are wrong, you can't tell me there wasn't something wrong with that guy.
The screenplay of this movie even says
GEOFFREY COSTAS stands outside. Geoffrey, 54, is
a wise, patient man. He is formal and calm in his manner, but these
qualities belie a warm emotional vulnerability. Physically, he is not
small or weak. One gets the impression that he wasn't always so kind.
One gets the impression he wasn't always so kind... right...
~Lance share