Great Show
Someone must discuss this show and if it will ever be on DVD in the US because it's my all-time favorite show.
shareSomeone must discuss this show and if it will ever be on DVD in the US because it's my all-time favorite show.
As you can see by how late this reply is, the Invisible Man just never really had a chance... It's a pity since it is a brilliant show, entertaining, well-acted and very tongue in cheek. The writers did a terrific job with it.
It's currently airing in Greece where I live. I haven't seen all episodes but from what I've seen I can say I liked first season better though both are very good.
If you or anyone gets to read this, favourite episode? Line? Joke? Worst episode? Favourite actor? Favourite character? I'll be answering my own questions after I think about them a bit :-)
"Gondor has no pants! Gondor needs no pants!"
Paul Ben-Victor's Bobby Hobbes was a great character.
Absolutely. Ben-Victor was amazing. I loved the relationship between him and Fawkes. Both actors did a terrific job there.
I also had a soft spot for Eberts.
"Gondor has no pants! Gondor needs no pants!"
A great show that was brushed aside (Like Farscape) for stuff like Scare Tactics.....whatever.
Miss the characters...miss the bickering...miss the fun.
It's a shame.
I LOVe this series too!Vasia from Greece here.Man,such a shame that it only lasted 2 seasons!I sure hope I can find the DVD's somewhere.I've only seen a few episodes from Season 2 and can't wait to see more!I stay awake till 6 in the morning just to watch it!It's aired around 5 am here.Geez!I agree the writting is wonderful and actors do a great job.If it was up to me,I'd restart the show!But if that won't happen then the least they can do is release it on DVD's!I love all the episodes I've seen.Last night "Immaterial Girl" was on!It's one of my favourites so far.It's about a woman who's energy remained after she died and Darien could see her with the quicksilver in his eyes.Such a moving episode!Loved it!Loved when he was reading that book "Particle Physics for Imbeciles"!!!Har,har,har!!!
"By revealing our weaknesses,we show our strength.That's the paradox of being human"
i'm also a big fan of the series, i rate it just as good as stargåte (and even better than the recent seasons), but they've only shown a couple of seasons of this here in finland
shareya know, despite SciFi's best attempts, the 2nd season of I-Man *is* available on bittorrent, although it's apparently a homemade vhs copy, so the quality is poor.
they really could make a lot of $$ if they'd just release both seasons here in the US.
Anybody here that is interested in seeing I-Man on DVD as well as in theaters, please surf on over to The Invisible Man Online ( and sign the petitions that are linked on the home page.
Your support is appreciated.
i went to i man online around october last year and im from the uk so i didnt sign the petition for the american dvd release but i signed the one for the movie about 27 times
the meaning of politics is two words.poli-which means many of and tics-which means bloodsuckers
Okay, it is not a great show.
It's an AWESOME show!
My favourite character is a three-way tie between Darien, Hobbes, or Jessica from 'Ralph' (yeah, she's only in one episode, but that doesn't stop her from being cool!)
My favourite guessed it. 'Ralph'. It was SUCH an emotional episode. It was the only episode of a tv show that made me cry. I mean, it's SUPPOSED to be a happy ending, bu is it? Not really, 'cause Darien loses his one real friend (at that time. Him and Hobbes only REALLY become friends after that episode). And Jessica does indeed 'catch up' with 'Ralph'.
Such a damn good episode.
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