my ending

Personally, I would have had her turn him down flat and say their time had passed yada yada yada or she was happy with her life. He then sulks for a little and runs into someone more his own age then the woman at the beginning and they start something up. I would have him cancel the Christmas Day meeting. I think this would show that he is reevaluating his priorities. He is still fairly young (35), he could have a family in the next few years and still keep his great job. It was super far fetched to think they would pick up where they left off 13 years later.


I always thought the ending should have taken him back to the airport back in 1987 when he was first going to London and now knowing what his future could be like with Kate he has the opportunity to change it right there giving him a second chance. The way it ends in the movie even if they do get back together it would never be like his glimpse because they didn't live those 13 years together and go through the ups and downs which ultimately led to them loving each other for so long. It would never work them both now being successful...the kids would never be the same...etc etc etc......


thats not a bad ending either. i really felt like the ending kind of cheapened the movie.


Taking him back to the airport to make another choice is the only other way to end it. But I don't have a problem with how they did it. Part of the point is that it's never too late to start making the right choices. Of course their life together will not be identical to his glimpse, but they will still be together and from now on, they will always "choose us". The only part that does bother me is the kids, but who is to say that if they now have kids, they won't be Annie and Josh?


i think both the ending they had and your ending idea are good! i have to say it's not farfetched though, how many bros have actually made a speech like that in a crowded airport. i feel like if one did, that *beep* may just work. plus their relationship back in the day definitely seemed like a special "together forever" type. so i could see her going for that coffee with him abd after that it clicking, or reclicking i guess. not real likely but nothing i would say is SUPER farfetched...
