Injury after the car accident (total nonsense) *spoilers*
Uhm what the fuck? How could he fake his injury, especially if his wife is a professional caretaker specializing in rehabilitation??? Did he pay some doctor to give him a fake diagnosis??
The movie was way too slow, they could have easily put time in having Mr. Unbreakable face off against Mr. Glass.
There were also just too many ridiculous stuff happening in the movie.
- Mr. Glasss falling from the stairs? Come on that was so cringe-worthy with the cheesey music and way too predictable.
- The whole scence dedicated to him lifting weights. Wtf no sense at. How is he straining so much all the time like it's all about to collapse on him, yet he still is able to keep adding weight?? All that straining and effort at the lower weights makes no sense at all
- How the fuck was his wife assigned to take care of Mr. Glass? I mean come on what are the odds of that, this is just way to convenient for the movie to set up. And that whole conversation between his wife and Mr. Glass, totally bullcrap as well with her spilling the details of her life to this random stranger.
- The whole issue of Mr.Unbreakable having some midlife crisis with his wife was badly executed. He was such an emotionally flat character, and was so boring to watch him interact with his wife. He didn't even seem to love her with the whole idiotic flirting scene in the beginning of the movie.
- Like the kid pulls on a gun on the dad and then they don't decide to put him in therapy? Wtf.
- Mr. Unbreakable called the cops on Mr. Glass and managed to get him arressted at the end of the movie, well why didn't he do that for the family he saved? He could have done that straigth away.
- The camera angles were neat in the beginning, but it went overboard after a while.