It really is a great movie, but I also think it is one of the most unusual movies I have ever seen, not just in the story line, but the pacing, the atmosphere, etc, I really can't think of any movie like this.
Edit, just to add, that this 'original' thing still stands up today, but was even more so back when it was released before all the subsequent Superhero movies.
I do think Nolan got a bit of the 'realism' of Unbreakable for his Batman movies, and would rate his Memento as also one of the most unusual / original movies ever made.
I'll second you on the comparison to Nolan's Batman universe. Shymalan pioneered the idea of a comic MOVIE universe that was more grounded in realism. He himself may have been inspired by certain Batman comics in the 90s that strayed away from the supernatural and focused on the human dynamics. Unbreakable is a favorite of mine, and needs to be discussed in the future when covering this era of cinema that is dominated by comic book movies.
I think this film has more impact or relevance today than even back then. especially if you compare it to what Superhero films have become right now. This 17 year old film is refreshing and so original and just perfect as a contrast to the swathe of generic Marvel or whatever other comic book film today. Because it is creative and wholly unique amongst a see of generic films.
Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel