Why WCW Is Dead
Apparantly people think that this movie only made no money because of bad press. But actually it made no money because it's a bad movie. This movie is so bad, it actually killed WCW.
This movie was a blemish on professional wrestling for years to come. It's crap like this and guest spots on "The Mullets" that make all wrestling fans look like inbred, country bumpkins who believe in their souls that wrestling is an honest to goodness contest of strength. No, wrestling is not "fake". But it is a show. It is not, I repeat, it is not reality. People don't get fired in professional wrestling then come back, break several laws in the process, then win the world title. In story lines, sure. In real life, hell no. This is...just...crap. Crap. Crap. Just...crap. It's like someone came in to pitch this movie, took a big crap on the boardroom table, and the execs greenlighted it two hours after a six day black-tar heroin bender. I give them the bender benefit of the doubt because there's no way that someone would read this script and see any way to make money from it.
But Vince Russo tried. And boy, did he fail in the process. Thanks to Tony Sciavonne joking that Arquette should be World champion, that's just what happened. Arquette won the title. And not as a joke. He actually beat respectable wrestlers in the process. Therefore, not only crapping on professional wrestling with his god-awful movie, but crapping on one of the top honors of the business itself. A belt held by such greats as Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Sting, etc. An actor named David Arquette won it. A bad actor named David Arquette won it. And I don't blame David, although I could. He didn't want to do it. But Russo talked him into it. Thanks, Russo. Now bend over and don't fight Vince McMahon now that he has you where he wants you.
This movie actually killed WCW. That's how bad this movie is.
Oh yeah. And as a movie standing alone from wrestling, it's still crap.
Thank you.