Maybe its nostalgia, but I love this movie
It came on the CW yesterday afternoon and I forgot all about it. I haven't seen it in years - back when I was hardcore into wrestling as a kid - and I remember loving it then and now, rewatching it, I still think its a fun little movie and its cool they actually used real WCW Superstars at the time instead of making up a bunch of wrestlers.
The in-jokes towards what was going on in WCW at the time was also funny. Its like a tame "American Pie" meets "Body Slam." Fun, harmless, and light-hearted comedy.
Its a shame it wasn't more successful. Its no worse than a lot of movies released now days. And - though its not saying much - the best wrestling movie ever made. The climax with Jimmy King battling DDP was pretty intense, even if it was edited a lot because Platt can't wrestle/is out of shape.