MovieChat Forums > Loser (2000) Discussion > Sam Adams Sponsorship

Sam Adams Sponsorship

Why was there so much friggin' Sam Adams!?!
Biggs bought Sam Adams Octoberfest as a "let's get wasted together and be buds" gesture before his roommates canned him. Chubbo was buying Lager when he met Ms. Date-rape-to-be, from a store who's cashier had a case of Cherry Wheat next to the register. Even Dan Akroyd was downing a Winterfest when he was talking to his son. Did Sam Adams give them free booze for exclusivity or is this some producer gag that garnered no inquiry?

Thoughts? Questions? Free Beer To Donate To The Discussion :D ?


No clue. I was wondering the same thing. Not sure why Chubbo would buy a high quality, great beer like Sam Adams before going to a party.


Likely it was product placement:
