how diff is the movie from the book
are there alot of changes.. or is the movie better than the book or vice versa...
are there alot of changes.. or is the movie better than the book or vice versa...
Heaps of changes appear from the book to the movie. In the book:
Lee is the fourth friend of Sera, Anna and Josie.
Josie and Jacob break up at the end.
Sister Gregory and Sister Louise were the two nuns. They were merged into Sister Louise in the film.
Carly Simon was a model and Ivy Lloyd was John's best friend. They were merged into Carly Simon for the film.
I don't think Christina ever found out about her father actually being Marcus Sanford. (I may be wrong about that one though.)
John's suicide note and type of suicide changed. He originally took an overdose.
Personally, I thought the book was a heap better. Although I thought Kick, Matthew and the grandmother were fantastic actors, the character of Josie was so annoying on screen it ruined the movie for me.
I do think that the book was better. If they'd kept Ivy and Lee I would have been a lot happier. Carly started and stayed a bitch in the movie. In the book, Josie and Ivy didn't get on, but it was more a case of differing personalities and competition. They end up getting on much better at the end of book and become quasi friends.
Lee I thought was a HUGE loss to the movie. With the three "ethnic" girls being apart from the others, it appears more racist than it was. Lee and Josie were also quite close, with Sera not being Josie's friend as much. Lee and Sera were combined in the movie. (with Lee's speech about cross breeding being said vertabim by Sera)
For me, it was the taking those two characters out that let the movie down.
As is generally the way, the book was much better. I had to read it for year 11 English. Four years later I haven't read it since but have seen the film several times. The book is a classic and I wouldn't mind reading it again. It covers the whole emancipation issue a lot better. However, I still love the film and they did a pretty good job.
shareHaven't read the book so can't comment (I was well out of high school when it was text!!) but I can't believe Pia Miranda ruined it for you - I thought she bought a warmth and vulnerability to the film that was brilliant plus acting EXACTLY like a teenager in her situation would - the rolling of eyes, the casual swearing, the confrontations with Christina & Katia - I thought she was fantastic
shareand when I say Carly Simon, I actually mean Carly Bishop... (blush)
shareim reading the book right now for one of the Yr11 English texts and i havent properly seen the movie coz the first time i watched i wasnt paying attention coz i was too busy knitting but there is definitely major differences especially when they combined some characters into one coz it totally lost certain aspects of the characters and didnt seem the same
but i really think the novel is much better
-|[The ShizShaz]|-
yeah they cut out one her friends probably to save costs
they also changed cousin robert a bit
so your year 11 which makes you 17 or turning 17
why were you knitting????
that made me smile :P
-you bleed just to know your alive-
im 16 actually hahah
i kinda joined the knitting club and i wanted to finish my knitted square on time so while evryone was watching the movie i was knitting :P
-|[The ShizShaz]|-