MovieChat Forums > Looking for Alibrandi (2000) Discussion > am i the only person who didnt like this...

am i the only person who didnt like this movie?

okay okay, so everyone here seems to like this movie...but i didnt. i felt the acting, especially josephine and jacob coote, was very fake and rehearsed. there was something about the whole movie that was just...unnappealing. i have read the book, and quite enjoyed it, but when i saw the movie i was kinda dissapointed. so what does everyone else think? did anyone else not like it? ANYONE?!?!


I've just watched it. The way that the whole movie was narrated, they might as well have filmed the pages of the book.

It had some cute moments but I felt the same way as you. The scenes at her home felt the most natural.


i loved it but loved the book much more...
the scenes wiht josie amd her nonna felt very rehearsed but then again the actress playing katia didn't not speak english very well so that may have hurt it a bit

you bleed just to know your alive


oh good, phew im not the only one! thanks for your replies! :-)


I thought the movie was really..SCRIPTED if you know what i mean. It's like they seemed like they HAD to act like they did. There was no feeling to it.



I agree, I didn't like the movie either. It was so-so at best. I thought the acting was a little unbelievable and strained and some of the plot disturbances(like the suicide) I found artificial and unrealistic. There were some parts that had high drama and I could really feel the tension, but I think alot of the movie seemed imitational of other "teen-angst dramas" and resulted in it being a little corny.


i havent actually seen it but i have read the book and listened to my english teacher complain bout and how characters (ie carly and ivy) were combined and stuff like that

Never stop smiling coz you never know who might be in love with your smile


i really liked this movie but the acting was not too crash hot, especially at the barbecue when she's going off at her father "am i this?" but generally she was okay.


I agree that it wasn't that great. I felt that for the first half of the film Josie was just bitching about everything. They found the wrong girl to be Josie, Pia whatshername, but Kick was good as jacob (who anmes their kid Kick anyway!?)
It was a definate anticlimax after reading the book.

The Black Poet


i couldn't agree with you more. I live in Australia
(like most of you on the board?) and hated this movie.
I think it was just a cliche high school drama with a
few minor cultural ideas thrown in. Teen movie:
*is second to a girl who is annoying and hates her
*Becomes the victim of a peers suicide (Virgin suicides/Ordinary people)
*learns growing up lessons.
Just to name a few.
I just felt this movie extremely unsatisfying

"I think it would be fun to run a newspaper."


well, i liked the movie, i thought it was great.
I've seen much worse acting in teen movies, and i think it followed the story line of the book quite well. The only thing I didn't really like about it was that the token bitch character Carly didn't come good in the end, like Ivy.
I did like that Jacob Coote and Josie remained together unlike in the book. <terrible self promotion


I absolutely adore the book. One of my favourites, and that is coming from someone who doesn't like reading books all that much. Out of all the movies that had to be watched in high school along with the books they are based on, I really didn't like this one at all.
