Pia Miranda can't act

I found her way too dramatic and she's just not talented. I think that was the main let down to this movie.


I thought she did ok. Not Oscar-worthy, but I still think she acted just like a normal teen girl would...:)

*formerly pisanni_27*


In my opinion I think it was the mum who could not act.




Yes, I agree. She was a crap actress.


I thought she did OK. Despite the casting it was really her story and she delivered a naturalistic performance and good narration.


I actually think she did a decent job. She conveyed all the (sometimes) histrionic tendencies of a girl her age, with the angst, the outbursts and the longing. She did what she could with the material and direction, which wasn't too bad.


Seriously? I thought she was amazing. She played a teenage girl going through heavy issues very well.
