
Why is Wesker super-human? What's up with his eyes? Didn't he get speared by the Tyrant's hand in the REmake? Why is he alive still? Just curious 'cause I didn't finish the game yet.

For once I'd like to be called "sir", without adding "your making a scene".


Wesker injected himself with a modified version of the T-Virus which made him super-human. He seemed to have survived the first RESIDENT EVIL just as he survives CODE VERONICA : X. Wesker now works for another bio-weapon organisation which seems to be Umbrella's rival. He is send to Rockfort Island with an elite-team to destroy the island and everything that has to do with Umbrella including Claire. Besides that he has to find Alexia. Wesker's team also is responsible for the virus outbreak on the island. But he has another personal mission too : revenge because Chris Redfield messed up his plans in the first Resident Evil so he seems to know that Chris is looking for Claire and vice-versa on the island. Wesker is now a super-human who controls monsters himself. Unfortunately you can't fight him in the game.



... comes true you know steve being just like wesker

What do you mean, Steve gets killed in the game. Wesker doesn't know who Steve is. And about Rebecca Chambers joining Wesker : that would be stupid and it would make RE Zero useless. Chambers is with the good guys, besides that she was a S.T.A.R.S. MEDICAL supplier, she isn't trained like Redfield. There's absolutely no point in putting Chambers and Redfield against eachother.

It would be cooler to see Hunk (Resident Evil 2) back. You know, the Umbrella strike force soldier who had the secret mission to steal the G-virus from William Birkin.
He would make a great team with Wesker I think and a good opponent for Redfield.



Rumor is that the presidents daughter, the one Leons trying to save, is Sherry from resident evil 2. I think that might be it someone told me Barry makes an apperance.


Is it true that there won't be no more zombies in RE4 ? And no more Umbrella ? WTF ??

What ever happened to Hunk from RE2 ? Aren't there rumours about him making a possible return in RE4? Or Wesker ?

I'm very curious :-)



Okay: Though the Prez's daughter looks like Sherry, she has a different name.

There will be no zombies, but instead "villagers" who are basically zombies who can communicate and carry weapons. They're like a step up from the Crimson Heads in REmake.

Wesker's rumored to make his final appearance in this game. It's possible that his company has followed in Umbrella's footsteps since 1998.


Thanks for the info man ! :-)


This is something that has puzzled me for a while, in RECV when Wesker makes his first appearance to Claire, after Wesker says "A ghost from the past come to haunt youre dear brother" Claire recognises him and says "Wesker".

But the thing is, Claire has never met Wesker has she and hasn't met up with Chris so he could never tell her about his involvement with Umbrella, you also dont read any files about him in RE or RECV so how is it she recognises who he is.

One idea i have is that pre - RE she visited Raccoon City and saw Wesker as she was visiting Chris which could explain why she doesn't pull a gun on him the moment he appears.

Another idea is that she recognises him from the Photo in the S.T.A.R.S office in RE 2, Who knows ?


If u read the books you'll know how Wesker comes back and what his missin is. A man named Trent whom works for umbrella, is secretly trying to destroy them (if you read RE:Underworld) at the end you'll know why) and while wesker was about to be killed by tyrant, Trent pulls him out of there. It doesnt ssay how but Wesker was hurt and Trent turned him into a super Human. He was sent to rockfort to try and get a samble of the T-Veronica virus from alexia by Trent.

+ Wesker makes it out, just if u guys windering.

