Code Veronica X

I have Resident Evil: Code Veronica X on Playstation 2 and a friend told me that Code Veronica and Code Veronica X are exactly the same is that true because between all game consoles I have every resident evil game except the survivor ones that are out in Australia I would hate to have missed one.


I have only played Code Veronica on Dreamcast, so I wouldn't know; but I saw some video on the internet (from the Ps2 version), and it had this fight between Chris and Wesker (Think it was near the ending); But That part wasn't on the DC version!


The differences between the dreamcast version and the PS2 version are:-

1) In the PS2 version there is a extra cut scene where Wesker beats up Claire on the steps to Alfreds mansion.

2) In the PS2 version right after you kill Alexia for the final time you get a extra cut scene where Wesker and Chris fight and Wesker also reveals to Chris and Claire that Steve is not dead and that he the last surviving sample of the T-veronica virus is in his body.

3) In the PS2 version the ending credits music is different and in my opinion better that the dreamcast version.

4) Also another small thing I noticed is that in the PS2 version the grenade launcher is lay on top of a crate in the basement, whereas in the dreamcast version it is resting against the wall in the basement.

Should I be working this hard?



Code:Veronica X is a better game just because of the new scenes with Wesker, and the possibility of Steve being brought back like him. It's way better by far.

JONATHAN:Desde abajo te debora.
ANDREW:"It eats you starting with your bottom."


One other difference, in the Dreamcast version with Wesker and Alexia fighting on the stairs, Alexia throws fire at Wesker and you see him blown through the front doors of the mansion (Wesker and Chris's fight ending was not in this version). In Code Veronica X at Wesker and Alexia's fight, Wesker notices Chris come in and tells him that he should finish of Alexia cause after all he is one of his better men and leaves (quote was referring to the original RE)
