anyone know about things from code veronica that were put into resident evil 4 or the other ones that had enemies or characters or really anything from code veronica in them like steve or ashford?
In REmake, after the first battle against Tyrant, you can find William Birkin's diary on Wesker's body. He (Birkin) says something about having created the G-Virus and that he "cannot wait to see Alexia's annoying little face" when she'll see the results of his experiments or something like that. Birkin was always jealous of her because she became head of some research division at 10 years old.
But other than that, I don't think anything from C:V is ever mentionned.
wasnt it ashford who was actually alexia, if not, thats assuming alexia was actually around when william birkin was working for umbrella , quite a complex timeline here? also interesting nothing at all from code veronica was mentioned in the other games given its elemental part in the series moving from the sub-par resident evil 3 to a much more dimensional franchise, no respect for code veronica, or resident evil 1 either.
I think that it was the real Alexia back when Birkin worked with her. Like I said, she was ten so it could have been her. Not to mention Alfred isn't that smart, I don't think Birkin would have mistaken him for the real Alexia.
And Wesker seems to know right away in C:V that Alexia has been in a cryo-sleep for years.
Anyway, I hope RE 5 re-introduces some elements from C:V since Chris is here (who else could it be ?). Hopefully Claire will be back as well.
Hopefully RE:5 will take on an epic form compiling every character and story in the resident evil series filling alot of the plot holes or connecting the characters somehow, just a final montage of everything and finally ending it all, rather than introducing more random creature things and stupid people like steve as it always has. ending the mysteries, enigmas of the dark series.
about wesker wasnt he turned into some robotic creature or somthing in code veronica, its not the same wesker from the first resident evil.
those reports journals, notes that are found throughout every game are really the only sane believable thing in the series, metal gear solid type games at least give you a history lesson about weapons, politics of the world even while taking a science fiction turn, but with resident evil somtimes it gets too brain-dead science fiction movie-ish without inserting anything from reality. of course it could be duke nukem or somthing but its definitley bordering on wild imaginations.