A piss poor excuse for a game....
(before reading this, please know that I exclude RE:4 from almost all of what is written below, that was a nice game)
I really don’t understand how resident evil games are so popular. After playing RE:CV for nearly 5 hours, I not once experienced any sort of pleasure, shock, excitement or.... well fun.
The story line (as with most games) was totally forgettable, the clichéd cut scenes were laughably bad, and the 'acting' wouldn’t even compete with a school production. But all this can be forgiven, I'm not too bothered about that, that's what movies are for. All I want is a game can hold its own when it comes down to gameplay, this is where RE:CV really fails to impress. From its grossly un-intuitive control system, clumsy combat, and the most unhelpful camera angles of recent times, to its monotonous 'puzzles', tedious backtracking, and those bloody creaking doors! Fine, when the first RE game came out, maybe even the second: some of these faults would have been acceptable, but to have all these in one game, in this day and age, is just unacceptable. It's just a melting pot of bad ideas, lazy programming, and an out-dated idea of what a game should be. I understand that this game is over 6 years old, but that's no excuse.
I'm sure I have offended many RE zealots in this post, but it's not my fault if you like a crappy game. You are the fuel of the games industry. They make a crap game, put more money and effort into marketing, then you buy it.
love you, and have much more to say on the matter. And remember RE fans: a key by any other name is still just a key....