Something about Fezziwig that I never noticed until this adaptation
What an oaf I am. I have seen, read, and heard this story so many different times and in different ways, and until tonight I missed one of the most basic of parallels in this story.
I always looked at the visit to Fezziwig's as a reflection to show Scrooge how he was young and merry at one time, how he worked for a kindly boss and danced. I just thought it was to remind him of how he was.
In this adaptation is became clear to me. It was also to show Scrooge what a crappy boss he was to Cratchit compared to the boss Fezziwig was to him.
When the Ghost said something of the party just costing a few pounds and when Scrooge said of Fezziwig how he had the power to make them happy or unhappy, it suddenly became clear, and they did such a good job of showing that it was clear to Scrooge as well.
Yes, I'm pretty dense. It took this adaptation to help me see this. It's amazing what you can pick up in the 100+ telling of the tale.
"But I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now"