Scanning DNA/memories to live all your dreams?
Let's say you copy your genes and previous life experience somewhere between age 20-25, then you sum up all your dreams in a list. Then you focus at the thing you wanna do the most, and really work hard for it to come true. Everything else put aside.
You might even succeed.
After a long life, we can only hope you have enjoyed your time. When you die, the first clone is created. You being 20-25 again, you go on with #2 on the list.
And then it keeps going like this for hundred of years. Your clones haven't got any memories after being scanned but maybe that's worth it because of everything you want to acchieve in your life. During a normal life, there's not enough time to do everything you want. Buth with having clones like this, it will be possible. If visiting other planets as a tourist is one of your dreams, then one of your future clones will be able to do this (if the world isn't destroyed before that).
Another way would be to create all the clones at the same time. It might be better in some ways. Future clones wouldn't be shocked over all new technology present. And every dream can be lived in the world as it is now and not some crazy futurustic society that might have become dystopic.
There is one catch if the clones are created at the same time. All of them have to forget about the family and friends, and live in other countries and have different identities. Nobody else can find out, this is top secret classified. And then one can forget dreams about becoming a famous actor/singer/musician/writer/director/scientist/soccer player. Unless there will be done adjustment in your physical appearance. Many people are not satisfied with how they look, so I can see that being done. Each of the clones will get a different facial structure that only reminds of the original. Height, voice and hair can also be altered in different ways.