MovieChat Forums > The 6th Day (2000) Discussion > Four years and counting...but so far (so...

Four years and counting...but so far (some notes)

Some observations (from watching this movie...last time I did was in 2000 when it first played in theatres). Now that 2015 is only a few years away...seeing what the filmmakers were able to predict.

This only covers the technology...not the plot holes!

What they got right:

- Pets can be cloned (but just not as widespread as the t.v. commercials in the film makes it)
- Widescreen large TV's are seen (They got that right!)
- Fridges that keep track of inventory (The technology is there with RFID/Wifi, just no way will it
be in such wide use by 2015)
- Blood samples are becoming the norm in many companies, but that 'brain flashing' device, no way. FMRI however is kinda creeping towards that direction.
- Web address on city taxi. Web addresses are pretty much universal today.

What they missed/off the mark.

- 4x3 LCD screens for computers. Nope. Everything is 16x9
- Hand sanitizer stations are pretty much everywhere, even shopping malls. This was before SARS
- Cloning fishes? Mass fish farms in Chile makes fish cheap (and don't have to clone)
- Cloning organ transplant. Kinda possible...maybe?
- A female president. HA! NEVER!
- this movie didn't predict the iPhone/iPad/iWhatever/Smartphone craze. Smartphone technology/GPS/Wifi/etc are pretty much ubiquitous.
- Microphones used by hosts are strangely smaller (for no real reason, you can get those
today...but they just aren't accepted)
- Video on the mirror...I guess it can be done today...but who honestly wants that?
- Smoking is illegal? Maybe, especially with Obamacare!

What they got WRONG:

- Transluscent screens. The original apple iMac/LCD's popularized this, but it died out pretty
fast. People unanimously want a single colour for all their hardware: BLACK.
- Phonecalls. Most people text message rather than call nowadays.
- Paying with your thumbprint. The technology exists...but can too easily be tricked/hacked (Mythbusters proved this), at best, the 'swipecard' technology in credit cards will dominate the next decade or so.
- Cars overall are still 'too futuristic', some reason sci-fi movies always get this wrong.
- Those helicopters are way too futuristic. Turning into jets in mid-flight. Not for another couple decades.
- The video monitor Arnie used to talk to his wife is 4x3 aspect ratio. Anarchronistic.
- The 'owner' of the XFL pulled the plug/killing the star Quarterback...wouldn't that be "Vince McMahon?"
- Simpals? No way. Unless "The Uncanny Valley" phenomena can be tackled...nobody will want a doll like the Simpal. Those Simpals are just frickin' CREEPY.
- large-scale holographic images haven't happened yet (XFL game), but "augmented reality" is happening, and football players used it as a primitive form of HUD)
- "Memories" can't be captured (Syncording)
- No self-driving cars (in mass commercial use)
- No human cloning
- No 'virtual girlfriend/hologram'
- No XFL!
- Court appointed virtual attorney/psychiatrist? NOPE.
- Laser guns!??!?! Nope.
- "Triple decker jumbo jet" still on the drawing board. Double-deckers now exist.
- Microsoft buying America (When Arnie is locked up the videoscreen talks about MS owning America).
I remember the 'fears' of MS back in the late 90's. Nowadays? MS is kind of a sad company, losing grasp of the computer market, and besides the XBOX, it keeps losing against Apple/Google!
- Remote control dogs?

I think 2015 will be just like it is now...except a little bit more boring!


People unanimously want a single colour for all their hardware: BLACK.

Incorrect. iPad's, iPhone's, iPod's and all other gadgets come in black or white.

Paying with your thumbprint. The technology exists...but can too easily be tricked/hacked (Mythbusters proved this).

Regardless, fingerprinting is still widely used.

Also... did you forget this is just a movie? The product of someone's imagination. 2015 is less than 4 years away, but who knows what it could bring us.


I still could see Microsoft owning America. I don't see Microsoft losing their grasp any time soon.

Apple makes nice machines but impractical in the work place. Their machines are too expensive. Everything is pc and windows oriented.

Google? I guess they dominate the web and cell phones that use, ugh, the Android OS. Google's computer OS, chrome, is a joke. It is basically Linux. The only thing running Google's OS are some netbooks and i don't even know if they are still being sold.

On a personal note, I can't stand Google. It is just that Google gets into too many things. Google should stick to one thing and do that one thing very well. In this case being a web search engine. Leave the pc world to the experts like Microsoft.


- The 'owner' of the XFL pulled the plug/killing the star Quarterback...wouldn't that be "Vince McMahon?"

Was it the owner of the whole XFL or the owner of the team that the guy played for? I don't know how the XFL was structured but in the NFL individual teams are owned by one or more individuals.


- Smoking is illegal? Maybe, especially with Obamacare!

You are severely misinformed on this subject.

Obama is a smoker. He's even in favor of legalizing marijuana, but doesn't feel its a issue worth pursuing and fighting over, although he has said if the bill came before him he would sign it.

Also, "Obamacare" is actually called The Affordable Healthcare Act. The reason it is called that is because that's ALL it does, it only affects paying for healthcare and giving people access to healthcare. That's all.

How can that lead to smoking being illegal? Easy answer, it absolutely can't.


I would also add

What They Got Right
GPS Car Navigation
Self Driving
Talk back / Voice Activated
Wireless headset device to talk on the phone (earpiece)
Skype Video Conferencing

What they missed
Smoking is banned in public places - most states in the US. Pretty close.
The mirror projection is like the tablets - ipad, etc. today. Basically a screen you interact with to give you information.


When did they ever state that it was set in 2015?


Very good list, Pseudo.

I own you.


Mass fish farms in Chile makes fish cheap (and don't have to clone)

Fish farms(in their current capacity) are not cheap or efficient, and they are far from renewable. Do some research.

A female president. HA! NEVER!

Was said about a president of color as well...

Smoking is illegal?

It might as well be in California. The restrictions are vast and absurd, and I don't even smoke.

Paying with your thumbprint. The technology exists...but can too easily be tricked/hacked (Mythbusters proved this), at best, the 'swipecard' technology in credit cards will dominate the next decade or so.

Did you even watch that episode? It would have been easier to chop off a finger than to steal his print. Way easier.
There is absolutely no absolute security. It is all deterrent.


OP, it's now the end of 2015, not much has changed dramatically since 2011 but here it goes. I think most of your list is still pretty accurate. Now we've seen TVs go even further in now they are curved, 4K resolution screens which this movie I believe did NOT demonstrate, although it did have the widescreen TVs still.

I 100% agree that they missed the mark on the mobile technology crazy. Next on your list -Fingerprint systems. Okay, we don't necessarily pay for things with them, but the iPhone and Samsung's DO have a fingerprint scanner on them, so some technology is using this in the mainstream. Instead of fingerprint scanners, I do believe some day more and more technology is going to be using retinal scanners religiously. Retinal identification is almost impossible to trick nor does anyone on the planet really have to identical patterns. So it's something similar, they had the right idea. I think this technology is at least 20 years away in mainstream use however.

The last thing I can think of for now; self-driving cars. This is definitely becoming more and more of a reality. No, they are not in commercial use yet, but they are very close to it.

