wont you be surprised(and simultaneously remember it all) once you die and your veil of forgetfulness is lifted,and you realize why you entered this physical illusory world,which is nothing more than frequency vibration,just like the 5th dimensional layers where you will go upon death,through the bardos levels. Once there,the life review takes place, alongside the ''council of 12'',which is each persons own overall soul consciousness,represented by 12 aspects of said soul,each representing different consciousness levels on different levels of eternal ladder or progression. The soul plan and soul contracts with your family/close friends etc in life,improtant events that occured and will occur,all was an intent of the soul before bith. But also,there are ifinitely many timelines/parallel universes.This will become common knowledge in a few decades in the scientific circle even,they already are making strides towards realization of many of these things. THere is also,due to free will and veil of forgetfulness,always the chance of sidetracking ones soul plan/intended life lessons and different methods of gaining these lessons the soul felt were most needed at this stage in the overall souls life. Each human is only one aspect of an overall soul,the soul in its entirety inside one body would fry said brain,for the body wasnt manufactured to hold all aspects of a soul,that is not the point of it. So as an aspect, theres many versions and timelines of events that occur for each person, each important decisions you might need to make in life, you make, each singular focus point for each path,thus it seems to each version that they are alone. However once one transmogrifies and ascends into the higher levels of unity/5th dimensional consciousness,takes off the veil of forgetfulness(which is needed in order to take this physical life seriously,otherwise all would recall fully who they are,eternal consciousness,and this whole world is a stage/school,and would not be motivated to learn the life lessons as much,for they would know that if the going gets tough and painful,they can return to ''heaven'',soul essence and try again if they wish etc in another life(another aspect of that soul in a new life),so the veil is a must for all intents and purposes,and is willingly chosen.
So you (and most) are up for a good remembrance heh, once ''dead'',which is an illusion,because we come here for a short blink(some 80 years etc) and then return. Gods in amnesia pretty much ;) But I can guess your reaction to my post already, and no need,I know all the potential counterarguments etc,for I was once ''that guy'',and it was part of my own expansion to be that way. So feel free to believe as you do, I just pitched in here,saying that do not debunk something you don't remember or know about ;) All is frequency,basis and building blocks for 3rd dimension,physical level of vibrational frequency is the 4th dimensional levels, the blueprint,and the physical body has a template for it,which is the light/spirit/astral body,which is also the reason for ''phantom pains'' for amputees for ex, they feel the outline still present there,which cant be destroyed in 3D,and so the ''filler'' is missing,energetically it can hurt. Salamanders can regrow their limbs and tail for ex,they have that built in awareness,genetically. Humanity,for evolutionary expansion of consciousness purposes,for now..in this duality consciousness experiment, does not. But will,in time.
Consciousness exists,and in real life,a cloned body(they exist and have for many decades now,on Earth I mean) would not have that spirit of the original body,even if you artificially put in the memories,which are only the computer memory hard disk basically, not the computer user itself(spirit), and that person would ''mimick'' certain behavioural patterns and programmed reactions,based on memory data of said life,but would not have a spirit consciousness(but usually does because another soul already made an agreement to animate said cloned body,maybe sometimes even an aspect of the overall soul that animates(with another aspect of itself) the original body. So in that sense,it is possible to even animate 2 identical bodies by the same overall soul,but not the same soul aspect. And ''overall soul'' is not a singular human spirit, but many.
So there is lee way in that sense,but consciousness exists and is the basis for any creation to begin with,without consciousness there would not be existence,obviously.
In any case,peace, I just shared the info that I have come to realize and confirmed by my own experiences of connection to my own higher self and soul essence connection. Just for contemplation,nothing more. Feel free to dismiss it.