There were plenty of pro-fascist "oligarchs" in America, and supporters of Hitler and facsism. When FDR was elected, he turned out to be the most popular President in American history, but as soon as he died, the forces of reactionaryism kicked in to try to reverse what FDR had done.
The CIA was infiltrated by German Nazis that the US needed to keep control of Germany, and also to catch up in some technologies, like rocketry with Werner Von Braun.
The West world as you call it hated Russia ever since their revolution and tried to infiltrate and overthrow it, and were hoping Hitler would destabilize Russia enough that it would be easy for them after the war to knock them over.
Russia did not get the bomb until secrets were smuggled to it. Then almost immediately it was claimed that they jumped ahead of us in bombs and missiles to justify our military industrial complex. Then came Korea, then came Viet Nam.