What Bothered Me

...is how obvious it is when watching this that a very inspired movie got buried under the Hollywood varnish.

The opening scene is one of the best I've watched. Even on paper, that scene would jump out at me. Throughout the film there are excellent scenes, situations and lines that are largely wasted due to dull direction. If I were a detective, I'd suspect that an amazing script underwent a rewrite to insert a love story and sex scene, and to pepper the film with over-the-top anti-Soviet bias. (Like many have pointed out, ridiculous statements like "We have no tanks, artillery or planes at Stalingrad" are total fabrications.) Then give the film an average director and even a strong script can't save it.

One big disappointment is something few other people point out: The music. I'm not here to debate the quality of the music, it's just obvious that underscoring the entire film with an orchestra is one of the major elements holding the film back. Sometime not so long ago, people figured out that NOT adding music to war scenes could vastly heighten the tension in that scene. You'd think this idea wouldn't be wasted on people obviously making the spiritual sequel to "Saving Private Ryan," where the most gripping scenes do NOT have ANY music throughout, thereby depriving the audience of an emotional safety net telling them how to feel. Since SPR, other unforgettable movies (The Pianist, Band of Brothers, etc.) are also aware of (and make use of) this fact.

A lot of this film borders on American propaganda. The realities of life under Stalin were not so much explored as caricatured. This reads like a movie made before the Iron Curtain fell, where all we knew about Soviets and Soviet people were the government-propagated stereotypes. What went on in Russia during WWII was NOT pretty, but the director (in his statements) is clearly not interested in any sort of understanding of the period.

Perhaps I expect too much from this movie. It's an alright film, about 3/5. Some movies are 3-stars for completely uninspired but well-done, I think this is 3-stars for inspired but underdone/overdone. I'm just dying for a good film on the Eastern Front and/or snipers, this doesn't hit either of those marks. I don't know if anyone else had these same gripes, but there it is.



You complain about Propaganda and in the same paragraph say how life under Stalin wasn't so bad? Are you some kind of Neo-soviet romantic? Or are you just guessing?


It wasn't worse than under Tsars. The country was developing at pretty rapid pace and USSR's population was growing at faster pace than that of France or UK.


Indeed. Stalin, by most honest accounts, is considered the worst "dictator" of the 20th century (maybe the 21st also, but the future is yet to be written). Try investigating what life in the Soviet Union was really like under him, especially considering his frequent, paranoid and totally unnecessary purges. And WWII, consider the thousands upon thousands of Russian soldiers who were needlessly sentenced to death in mass attacks. God help any Western leader or commander with such a record. By all educated estimates, the CCCR lost over 20 million people in WWII.


For me, something as simple as the lighting ruined it. I was constantly reminded that they are on a movie set, not under shelter in a war torn, Soviet city.


What about Jude Law's English accent, with not even an attempt to sound Russian? I can take some inaccuracies for the sake of making a movie, after all, they're not seeking to make a documentary.

It completely ruins any immersion that was built up to the point he spoke.


might be a holdover of the basic use of accents in a british film. the general rule of thumb is russians have british accents and germans have american accents. not a hard and fast rule, but it fits the generalities.

"Does it make a movie "good" because you "like" it? No, it doesn't..." - Roger Ebert


"The Wild Bunch (1969)" has no music under its climactic battle scene.

And honestly, could music even be heard over the gunfire?

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?

