The only thing I don't like about this movie...
is the voice Damon Wayans uses. It sounds so annoying and FAKE. I'm guessing he wanted to sound snobish but I think he could have done a better job :P
shareis the voice Damon Wayans uses. It sounds so annoying and FAKE. I'm guessing he wanted to sound snobish but I think he could have done a better job :P
sharei don't think i've agreed more with anything in my entire life. i can't stand Damon's voice in this movie. everything else is awesome though.
That is obvious. Anyone who has seen the movie completely understands that. But, that does not make his annoying ass voice acceptable. They could have gotten a much better actor, or got a better "white" sounding voice out of Damon. It just sounded pathetic and ruined the entire movie for me, it made it very hard to take seriously whenever his yap was open. It was just bad acting, admit it.
That's a matter of opinion. So what if it was done on purpose, in that case it was a bad decision. Not only was Damons voice annoying, the entire movie was completely unbelievable. The white boss was entirely stupid and unbeleivable and so was the minstrel show getting on TV. Instead of Spike making a believable movie where he got his points acrossed in tone or emotion, he half assed it and it just seemed like he was on his soap box cramming his ideals down the audiences throat. That is NOT good directing. American History X is a MUCh better anti-racism movie.
I totally understand and accept everything you just said. I also understood that those ideas were what he was TRYING to portray in the film. My problem is, he tried and failed. Yes, his ideas are legitimate nobody can really dispute that. My dispute is the film itself and the directing decisions he chose to portray his concepts. He could easily have got the same points across, and not came across so "I'm on my soap box, hear me out, like it or not!" I mentioned this film earlier, and I'll mention it again, take a lesson from American History X. That film is a masterpiece, especially when comparing to Bamboozled. It is just a better film. I really like Spike's ambition, I really do. He just pushes people away, especially us white people. He could very easily get people to watch his movies and accept them, and understand, and take a better look at the treatment of black people if he didnt make his films so brash. If he wants his points to be accepted by more people, he needs to make better directing choices. Especially people who are not very media literate, they will watch Bamboozle and say "this is total garbage, it looks like crap, the acting is crap" and not accept anything about it.
Spike's an artist. And he doesn't give a damn how people perceive his films. He makes movies for his artist benefit. Race is a huge part of his films. That's how he chooses it to be. No disrespect, but I honestly believe that he gives no *beep* about white people liking his films.
shareThat was annoying to me as well. I think Spike wanted it that way. He wanted to make Peerless a very bougerois and pretentious character. Spike often speaks in broad strokes. Every character in his movies tend to represent somthing. The white executive Dinwitty represents whites who love black culture but are still racists at heart by their acceptance of racial stereotypes. The clownish Honeycutt represents opportunistic sellouts. Mos Def's character was obviously the voice of the left radical.
shareThe whole thing is underlined in his opening speech. The movie is a SATIRE. Thats why his voice and mannerisms are so over the top.
"No my brotha, you got ta buy yo OWN!"
Thank you. thank you, THANK YOU. I was talking to my partner this morning about this topic. Ultimately, the fault lies at Spike's feet. Something about Wayans's delivery rings false and ruins the effect of the film for me...and for that reason I've shaved two stars off my rating.
Helga, I'm not mad at you; I'm mad at the dirt.
I came up here just to comment on that. I'm watching it right now and I'm thinking, really Damon? I never found a white man who sounded like that.
shareI didn't have a problem with his voice. The problem I had with this film was using blackface. Today's audiences know it is insulting and would not like to see crap like that on screen.