MovieChat Forums > 100 Girls (2000) Discussion > Poll for Women: 'The Speech'

Poll for Women: 'The Speech'

Being a guy, I was wondering how many girls would "swoon" at the speech given by the lead character, as the women in the dorm seemed to do, and how many would have thrown things at him. I am serious. Please give your age if you would, and any discussion.

Here is the scene on YouTube:

...and the transcript from here in IMDB:

Thank you for your time.


Not in the least bit. Some dude going on and on about what he thinks I want to hear, and that even if it WAS what I wanted to hear, was complete b.s. because he's asserting that he would change his entire personality and become a door mat for the stereotypical woman just to get me to date him? Hell no.




What would you prefer?
