Most of us have probably complained about the many downsides of DBZ:
- The fights were too long and repetitive. - Many of our favourite characters got brushed aside as the Saiyans became too powerful. - The Dragon Balls lost importance as key plot devices and were only used to revive people after every battle. What other franchise has the heroes overcome death so easily!?
In my opinion the original Dragon Ball is a much better show. It has more character development, balance and creativity than its sequel. Yet we all kept watching every episode of DBZ, even when nothing really happened and even when the main villain was Majin Buu (one of the most ridiculous supervillains in any franchise if you ask me). It wasn't until Dragon Ball GT came around that many people lost interest.
So why do you think DBZ became the most popular show in the entire franchise? Did we just love the epic battles? Did all the cliffhangers keep us engaged? Did we care so much about the characters that we wanted to see them overcome every threat, no matter how long the fights would take? Or is it simply because there wasn't any other show like that around at the time?
I liked the saiyans more and the Vegeta/Goku relationship.
I watched DBZ before I watched DB. I didn't care for the human characters like Tien, Yamcha, Chaoitzu, Yajorobi.
DBZ had better animation too for me.
having movies was big for me too even if they didn't fit in the storyline. I loved hearing about the movies and eventually getting them and watching non stop.
I do skip some DBZ eps though, a few of the Gohan training eps before the Saiyans, traveling to Namek with Krillin and Bulma, a lot of Buu's stuff I skip. I don't watch the last 3-4 eps after Buu if beaten.
so yeah I skip a lot of fillers or just down time with the z fighter eps.
Its appearance in the early 1990s contributed widely to its success, I feel. Back then Japanese manga/anime was becoming a major force to be reckoned with, and thanks to the comic book shows in vogue in that era DBZ caught on like a bushfire.
Other factors include:
- the warriors, who had a unique power level that was different and yet similar to Marvel/DC heroes, and who were unique characters.
- its sense of comedy and fun - its humor contributed greatly to its being an enjoyable show, and I think the show jumped the shark when Toriyama couldn't make the story funny enough.
- and of course, its action. It was on a cosmic scale that set a precedent for future comics/cartoons.
07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.
They showed DBZ on Toonami back when I was a kid. We would watch it after school along with Yu Yu Hakusho and Rurouni Kenshin back to back. #BestChildhoodEver. We'd all talk about cartoons like these at school or during Daycare.
DBZ is pretty much the first of its kind of shonen. Big muscles, energy blasts, flying, the longass fights and charging. It was and still is iconic. And now, to my generation of viewers, it's nostalgic. In fact, Dragonball and Dragonball Z is like the Gold Roger of Anime, inspiring many more series of badass shonen. It's very different than a lot of the American superhero shows and it was certainly the gateway drug to other currently more popular animes.
I think that they're still able to continue making DBZ movies now because they're riding off of the nostalgia of the aging generation of viewers who grew up with DBZ.
*Sigh* my brilliance is now becoming a bit of a burden. Get back to me -300th post of 17 threads
Biggest success factors for DBZ, at least IMO: 1. Most of the battles really were epic (despite their tendency to take too long LOL). 2. The soundtrack. 3. The blend of action and humor, and keeping the viewer's attention. 4. A lot of the characters are easy to relate to.
My criticisms: 1. Several characters becoming useless; a few are already useless even though they would have great potential. 2. The plot holes and inconsistencies, including those featured in filler. 3. Certain parts in the plot that could've been avoided or improved very easily, but one or more characters lack common sense at that time. LOL
So, continuing with the success factor of DBZ. I've mentioned it, but I'll mention it again to keep this post alive. So, I think a main reason for the success of DBZ is the continuous storyline, like a Soap Opera. I mean again a lot of people don't watch Soap Operas because they feel like they're easy to get into always having to find out what happens next. I own DVDs, and even when I watch this show after already knowing what will happen, the show keeps me entertained because of the action and continuous storyline where you like hearing the story again.
Pretty much the action and the more serious tone. That's pretty much why the Majin Buu arc is lambasted, because it brought back the wackiness of early Dragon Ball, even though the plot and all events therein had stopped making sense a long ass time ago. The only difference between the Cell and Buu arcs is that the former hides its nonsensical plot behind a smokescreen of a more serious tone. The Buu arc just drops all pretenses of being uber serious, even though some of the events therein are some of the darkest and most messed up of the series. Go figure.
I changed perspectives on DB and DBZ throughout the years. When I was first introduced to them, it was when Toonami had them back to back, so I started watching at the Uranai Baba arc for DB, and the Majin Buu arc for DBZ, two very weird areas to begin. And at first, I liked Dragon Ball a lot more, even though both eras of the series were similar in their strangeness. However, as I kept watching, I shifted more to the mindset that DBZ was better, because my teenaged mind was thinking "darker, more people dying, cooler looking enemies, and lots of explosions and flying around" = "better". Having seen this same general sentiment throughout the years, I imagine this is why a lot of people like DBZ better, especially since a lot of people were introduced to DBZ first. Going back to Dragon Ball, especially the early arcs, might feel like a step backwards from the epic scale of Z.
Then, as I got older, I switched them around again. Dragon Ball overall is more consistent throughout than DBZ, which peaked with Freeza and then started to decline from there on. The sense of growing scale and seriousness from beginning to end in Dragon Ball is also intriguing to me, whereas DBZ starts us off with that seriousness and epic scale and thus has no place to evolve from that, which is understandable given the kind of show it is.
One of the fun parts of the original Dragon Ball is the bizarre world that Toriyama created. The protagonist was a little boy with a tail, but that wasn't even the strangest part. The world was inhabited by a 300-year old guy, a man with 3 eyes and a shapeshifting pig. And no one seemed to be particularly bothered by the fact that many earthlings displayed supernatural powers. Master Roshi was a bit of a celebrity back then.
At first DBZ was pretty much the same. During the Saiyan saga the humans appear to be open to the idea that they're facing an alien invasion. They also remember Piccolo and the rest of Goku's friends from the tournaments. But later on, DBZ had the tendency to make the human world more 'normal'. After Mr. Satan (aka Hercule) makes his debut the earthlings no longer seem to remember that such powerful warriors exist. They are genuinly shocked when Goku & friends display their abilities. At first I considered MR. Satan to be a great comic relief. But as the series progressed he became more annoying, he made the earthlings look really stupid.
Majin Buu is obviously one of the weirder characters in DBZ. He's just as silly as Monster Carrot from the original Dragon Ball. But that was a supporting villain who only appeared in one episode. I love me some bizarre comic relief villains, but Majin Buu is supposed to carry an entire saga, that is otherwise pretty serious.
It's because the series is very universal unlike most anime. Whether youre from Japan, America, France or Australia you can enjoy the show.
A lot of anime and just animation in general are made for a certain audience and don't appeal to those outside that group.
It can also be enjoyed by people of a wide age group, little kids love it just as much as people in there 20's and 30's.
It's like the Star Wars or Marvel of anime. It's for anyone.
Aside from that it's really got everything you could want from a show like this, the characters are likeable, the world is interesting, there's comedy, there's adventure, there's tons of action, monsters, aliens, robots, gods etc it has a good story, it's colourful, it's intense, it's exciting.
And most importantly it's just really good.
Not many anime have any kind of success outside of Japan. Pokemon was big but was it was terrible so it was largely a fad and you don't hear about the anime much anymore. Digimon will always be seen as a Pokemon wannabe. Yu GI Oh was another fad.
But Dragon Ball Z because it was good, it's retained it's popularity long after the series has finished and because of that there's now a new movie and a new show on the way.
My goodness! How do we even watch DBZ without the fillers? I mean, what did the commercials look like? [as an announcer] Hey, kids! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles making too much sense for you? Then put on "Dragon Ball Z"! You'll love this cosmic, epic, legendary, fighting roller coaster. It's like the marvel and star wars of anime, only you still have no idea what's going on,
One of the fun parts of the original Dragon Ball is the bizarre world that Toriyama created. The protagonist was a little boy with a tail, but that wasn't even the strangest part. The world was inhabited by a 300-year old guy, a man with 3 eyes and a shapeshifting pig. And no one seemed to be particularly bothered by the fact that many earthlings displayed supernatural powers. Master Roshi was a bit of a celebrity back then.
Your forgot dinosaurs living outside the cities and eighter, the mummy, vampire, invisible man etc. To be fair people were bothered by the supernatural powers. It was just the main characters who were ok with them except for Bulma who was always amazed at what Goku could accomplish. The crowds at the tournaments had no way of making sense of them. Some of the people mistook strength and speed for supernatural powers. When they would fight at high speeds and their eyes couldn't keep up they claimed the fighters disappeared. They were completely terrified when Piccolo blew up the arena.
At first DBZ was pretty much the same. During the Saiyan saga the humans appear to be open to the idea that they're facing an alien invasion. They also remember Piccolo and the rest of Goku's friends from the tournaments. But later on, DBZ had the tendency to make the human world more 'normal'. After Mr. Satan (aka Hercule) makes his debut the earthlings no longer seem to remember that such powerful warriors exist. They are genuinly shocked when Goku & friends display their abilities. At first I considered MR. Satan to be a great comic relief. But as the series progressed he became more annoying, he made the earthlings look really stupid.
Did they actually remember them? With the exception of the announcer from the tournament they all looked stupid with no help from Mr. Satan. The only earthlings9non fighters) I had any respect for was Bulma, her parents, and the announcer from the tournaments. Towards the end I started losing some respect for Bulma when she began degrading Goku to Chi Chi at the tournament. She made a really rude comment about Goku "losing" to Cell when he actually sacrificed himself to save the Earth and everyone on it.
People were flying and shooting ki blasts during the tournaments in the original show. The announcer also mentioned that the kamehameha was a famous technique invented by master Roshi. And even if you exclude guys with supernatural powers, there were still participants like Nam or Giran who were clearly capable of exceeding the strength of a regular human. What happened to those people? My point about Mr. Satan is that the earthlings just seem to have completely forgotten the powerful warriors who used to fight at the tournament and instead view a regular guy as the invincible saviour. That's a gag that could've worked if they had established a world where people like Roshi weren't famous to begin with. And yes, they were affraid of Piccolo during the last tournament in Dragon Ball. But that's because they recognized him as the person who briefly conquered the world several years earlier, not because he could fly and shoot ki blasts. Really, how do you forget someone like that? Apparently they have forgotten him near the end of DBZ, except for the announcer.
Did they actually remember them?
Yamcha mentioned at one point that he had become very popular with the ladies since the last tournament, which annoyed Bulma. During the battle against Nappa a camera crew was filming at a distance (after Yajirobe told them about the fight). They recognized Piccolo and even appeared to know what a Saiyan was. Of course, some of this is filler and shouldn't necessarily be taken seriously. I also don't know how the comments of the people vary in the different dubs .
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And even if you exclude guys with supernatural powers, there were still participants like Nam or Giran who were clearly capable of exceeding the strength of a regular human. What happened to those people?
No clue. Some of them probably retired but that still doesn't explain the dojos and future students. The only explanation I have is that people simply forgot about them. There was also the former tournament winner King Chappa who Goku defeated twice who was also supposedly famous and should be remembered as well. I'm not sure how much time passed but the tournament stopped being held after Goku won until it was brought back and Satan won it before the Cell games. Not that it's a good excuse but I wonder if the tournament being televised helped Satan become so popular. When Goku and friends entered it seemed like it was a closed event that you had to attend and IIRC Yamcha was able to listen on radio from the hospital. Word of mouth should have spread about their fighting abilities though.
The truth is that they were written out and bad writing is the only explanation. People should have been unimpressed by Satan's fighting prowess and the tournaments should have been considered a joke by the people.
Really, how do you forget someone like that? Apparently they have forgotten him near the end of DBZ, except for the announcer.
Stupid people. Its part of the reason I don't think they deserved to be saved. When Goku and his friends talk about protecting the people of Earth I always envision him talking about protecting animals and plants, you know the things worthy of being saved. Vegeta was right about them.
What's insulting and if you have the DVD's you can go back and check it out is during the spirit bomb scenes in the Kid Buu saga. When they do the montage of people giving energy after Satan talks to them they show Nam and his village giving energy. Nam seemed like a good person who would have listened and possibly even recognized Goku's voice much like Upa's father, Eighter and the village. I guess it's not a big deal but it bothered me.
This might be long, but here's my list of DBZ success:
1. The Continuous Storyline: Anybody who watched DragonBall Z, knows the story like a Soap Opera is a continuous storyline with each episode taking place from where the last one left off. This is a reason some people don't watch Soap Operas, because they feel like they'll get into them and always have to find out what happens next. Of course, DBZ isn't a Soap Opera. But, almost all the episodes ended at like the most exciting part where we had to know what happened next and we remember the narrator saying, "Find Out Next Time On The Next Exciting Episode Of Dragon Ball Z."
2. The Plot: While some of you have mentioned the numerous inconsistencies and plot holes from earlier in the series that either seemed forgotten or no longer important, there is a huge continuous plot with the series that we seem curious about. The show seems to have more of a plot than The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers where a lot of the episodes were the characters hanging out of school, park, or Youth Center and Rita/Lord Zedd comes up with a different monster that typically gets defeated the same way. I feel like one thing that makes a show or movie better is if there's a well thought out plot to it that holds are attention.
3. The Characters: You guys are write, a lot of the non-saiyan characters got phased out later in the series as they couldn't keep up with the Saiyans which bothered some people. It looks like they'll be put to more use in this movie coming out. But, the characters we know from the series are characters we remember and get to like for their different characteristics. We could look up any character from the series on DragonBall Wiki and get an in-depth description of who they are.
4. The Action: If you like action, or action movies are your favorite then there is plenty of action in DragonBall Z. It's been considered the greatest action cartoon ever made. This show has breathtaking action that could entertain a lot of us.
5. The Excitement: I have some of the seasons on DragonBall and DragonBall Z on DVD. Sometimes when I put it on, I'll just get right into it as it has breathtaking action and a plot we want to follow. Like the episode Save The World when Gohan defeats Cell is such an exciting episode I don't see how you could not get into it.
6. The Music: When the show aired on Toonami we didn't really hear the music minus the background music by Bruce Falconer. But, I like the background music better in the American Version than the Japanese version as the episodes seem more watchable in the American version and I feel like the characters have better voices than the Japanese version. Though, I like the opening and closing songs they have in the Japanese versions and some songs they write for the show.
7. The Empowerment: When I watch Dragon Ball Z, it often times motivates me to push myself harder. You likely will not want to feel lazy after watching the show, but you'll want to do as a shirt I bought says, "Training To Beat Goku Or At Least Krillin."
8. The Strength: The characters on this show seem stronger than any other show I know of. They could easily blow up the earth. It's cool to see their physical strength.
9. Goku's Cheerful Attitude: Most of the people who watch the show's favorite character is Goku. He puts me in a good mood seeing how cheerful he is when he's not fighting and how funny he and other characters can be.
Well, sorry for this long post. But, these are the reasons I thought of which if you read it I think you'll agree with me.
I was a kid so as I much as I remember, DBZ was one of a kind. It set a bar for TV, especially shows on Cartoon Network, I remember turning 10, cartoons weren't cool anymore, I was at the point where I rarely did. My parents threw a Halloween party, there had to been over 50 ppl at my house, I remeber earlier that day seeing a Toonami promo (this was the Saturday night debut of It I believe). And they were going to show the Lord Slug movie, I literally stole the remote from my Dads friend at 8:00 and turned on CN. all the kids were on my side about watching it, so basically I we ran the living at a mostly adult Halloween party watching DBZ, that's pretty much where I realized nothing of animation cartoons will ever top DBZ. I liked DB, I didn't mind GT. And honestly one of the main reasons I think it was successful, was because the years it came around, late 90s early 00s was when society wasn't so sensitive, parents shield their kids form watching bloody violent cartoons on TV, the mainstream music scene also probably helped, as back then nu-metal, and rock rap were huge in music. So when kids heard "rock the dragon" and the Bruce falconer score, it pulls their ears it as it did me. I remeber in 2000/2001, DBZ was dominating the mainstream cartoons basically being around just as much as Superman/Batman. I haven't seen a cartoon/anime be matched up to DC since DBZ itself, I don't think I ever will.
one of the great thing about DBZ Is that Show was used to be watched by All Ages it was Innocent not bad as someone says "its alright to watch DBZ During your childhood, but a lot worse during your adulthood" Come on Best Show as a Kid, worst Show as an adult? That Makes no Sense its Okay for Teens&Adults to watch DBZ
Ive seen a couple animes since I was a kid,
I've seen A Couple of animes since i was a kid as well talking of which, the only animes that i liked as a kid are pokemon, digimon, yu-gi-oh! and Medabots
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Well, seriously I own DVDs and I put on an episode as I like running scenes from this show in my apartment when I want the T.V. on. It's too easy to get involved even if you just put one episode on, the suspense, storyline, and action even if you already know what's going to happen is too much to keep you entertained.