List Of Character Usage

Dragon Ball Z seems like a series that still continues and is watchable, and we like the characters we get to know from the beginning of the series. I'll tell you, it's when G.T. came out that the characters were more out of character. But, with Toriyama's writing, often times characters who were big in one saga are no longer important. Like in the movie Resurrection F. where characters like Goku and Vegeta seemed more in character than in Battle Of Gods.

1. Yamcha and Chiaotzu don't participate in the fight. But, Tien, Krillin, and Master Roshi are in the fight and useful: I'm sure Toriyama doesn't care much for Yamaha and Chiaotzu as they weren't useful in DragonBall Z. But, it was still great to see Master Roshi who wasn't in any DBZ fights, fight.

2. Mystic Gohan Seems Forgotten: Gohan was one of the most useful characters in D.B.Z. until the end. He transforms to his Super Saiyan state, and he now seems to be in the league with the other fighters. He no longer has those anger power bursts like he did in the series.

3. Android 18 doesn't fight: She was the feared Android and easily dominated Vegeta and the rest of the Z Warriors. But, after that fight when Cell comes around she no longer seems that powerful. She just seems like an added female among the crew and wife for Krillin. The only other fight she's in besides movies was her and Mighty Mask, but Videl seemed stronger or more determined.

4. No More Android 17: Android 17 was supposed to be stronger than 18, and they hung around together after they were activated and in Future Trunks time. But, it's weird how he gets bruised aside and 18 doesn't really mention him.

5. Goten And Trunks Not In Movie: It's weird how if they're main characters, they wouldn't participate in the fight and do their fusion. But, most of us prefer Future Trunks over regular Trunks.

6. Majin Buu Not In Movie: Fat Buu was a powerful villain who could regenerate himself and the other characters mostly didn't stand a chance. But, he just seems like a fat blob now eating food. Couldn't he have used his antenna to turn Frieza into food?

7. No More Supreme Kais, But Beerus and Whiss: Those later two now seem like main characters.

8. Emperor Pilaf, Shu, and Mai Now Characters: It's hard to believe that those characters would all of a sudden be back when they weren't in any of the 291 DBZ episodes.

9. Chichi Not In: No explanation needed.

10. Uub Not In: This takes place before Goku meets Uub, but I think it's apparent to say Toriyama doesn't care about Uub or he would have put him in there.

11. Mr. Satan Not In The Movie: Mr. Satan seemed like a weaker character that had heavy focus on him at the end of DragonBall Z. In this movie we see his daughter Videl, but not Mr. Satan.

Well, sorry this is long but just to show his writing. It's still a good story.


its ultimate gohan not mystic


Okay, but his character has not been portrayed the same as when he faced off Super Buu.
