big green dub Goku

I wish that guy was gokus permanent voice


So Do i
it's Better than Goku's Funimation Voice and Goku's Ocean Dub Voice


I wonder what's happened to the Old Bastard and he wasn't even credited for voicing any of the characters.


What's his name anyway? That guy had spot on talent. When Goku went Kaioken and SSJ and his voic was super deep I was like God this guy rocks.

Then when Goku joked with King Kai the voice actor actually made it sound like Goku was having fun.

He had great range


No one has publicly come out and say the name of the actor.

I downloaded the DVDs of Big Green that came out (01-10) which are a bunch of Z Movies plus the 2 TV-Specials but even still, no info about the Old Bastard.

Wish AB Groupe would just say already who voiced him. 


Where did you find them? Ive been looking for the torrents since 2011

I have "tree of might" and "Broly aka Burning battle" in big green but I cant find the others, only the audio.

When I tried splicing the audio to my dvd rips of funimation it didn't match up for more than 20 seconds

A big green torrent would be perfect


They're being seeded at AsianDVDClub but if you download too much without seeding it'll automatically block you from finishing it. It makes sense to give and take.

Here's the official list of the Big Green DVDs released:

Film #1: In Pursuit of Garlic (1989)
Film #2: The Strongest Guy in the World (1990)
Film #3: Super Battle in the World (1990)
Film #4: Super Saiyan, Goku (1991)
Film #5: Super Rivals (1991)
Film #6: Fight! 10 Billion Power Warriors (1992)
Film #7: Super Battle of the Three Super Saiyans (1992)
Film #8: The Burning Battles (1993)
Film #9: Super Guy in the Galaxy (1993)
TV-Special #1: The Father of Goku (1990)
TV-Special #2: Gohan and Trunks (1993)

Unofficially released, there's also the Dragon Ball movies 1-4 (from what I read) but they were only aired on TV and the amount of people that have them is rather very scarce, plus those same ones aren't willing to share it. Fúcking ássholes. Always wanted to watch the DB movies 1-3 but can't. 😞

Not much point in being such a dedicated Dragon Ball community (Kanzenshuu) when the users themselves are selfish to share content (looking specifically at Kei17 and his dickhead friends).


I wonder if the adult goku voice we like did kid gokus voice lol that would be awesome, kid goku with a manly voice.

Thanks for the website brother, They must keep it hidden because that has never shown up in my searches. Its good too because AB slams copyright on all of their dbz videos if posted on YouTube


I managed to find the Big Green Dub of DB Movie 1's Trailer @

The Old Bastard voices Shen Long according to this trailer but someone apparently does Goku's voice for a chance (it'd be pretty weird to hear the Old Bastard as Kid Goku, lol).


Holy hell that's cool. Is it worth it to get all of the BG movies? I mean does the comic dubbing stay funny?

We should credit his name from now on as "Goku #5 - The Old Bastard"


The dub of the Trunks TV-Special is hilariously good. lol

Sucks that the physical DVDs are rare now but at least you can always download them.

Watch this: Android #17 is insanely crazy and that laugh of Android #18.. so cool! 

Android 18 - "It's my turn to do him"

What were they thinking with this line... xD


Brother I'm kind of enraged right now. I went to sign up to that website you listed, I answered all of the questions, read the FAQ and Rules entirely, wrote about 8 pages worth of answers (5 paragraphs per question give or take), I hit submit and those ass-holes sent me to a page sayin "1 or more of the questions has not been answered". I went back and all of my stuff was erased.

Could you somehow upload them secretly to some undetectable site that doesn't have a ridiculous #spelling# signup process? Im going to watch that clip now, maybe it'll calm me down. Pudding


Fisher, I'm going to make a DVDRip x264 of all 11 movies/specials starting today but if you still want I can give you an invite though as per normal private tracker rules you would need to give while also taking as you wish.

I'm gonna do it 'cause I can't be bothered to burn them to DVDs and watching via USB is way more easier.

Edit: They'll be named like this:

Dragon Ball Z - Movie 1 - In Pursuit of Garlic [___made up name___][CRC].mkv

It's pretty easy to tell which movie you/I'll be watching because the original order is a mess!


Alright what information do you need to invite someone? And if you say social security number I know you're trolling lmao


Send me an email address via private message on IMDb and I'll send you the invite.

Just don't go get yourself banned there cause I've been there for six years now. 


[email protected]

It's not a personal email. All I use it for is deviantart so I dont care who sees it.

I must warn you, I have slow internet 20kbps-70kbps on any given day but Im sure I can keep my ratio intact by seeding enough. They do track our speed after all so they'll know itll take me awhile


As long as you do fine it's okay. Invite was sent.


I'll accept it sometime tommorow, work till 11:55


Big green dub or a DBZ English dub done right

The big green dub version of the DBZ Movies are way better than Dragon Ball Evolution
Even if i hated the late ocean dub version of DBZ


The Big Green Dub Collection is up on NyaaTorrents @


downloading as we speak.... Funny Australian
