MovieChat Forums > Dragon Ball Z (1996) Discussion > Where can I get a viewing order list?

Where can I get a viewing order list?

I'm thinking about checking out DBZ but I'd like to start from the beginning and see the saga in order.

Where can I get a list of what to watch in order?
There is DB, DBZ, and a bunch of other stuff out there so it's not as easy as season 1 then season 2.

Thanks for any help.



Dragon Ball is first, then Dragon Ball Z.

You can watch after DBZ either Dragon Ball GT or the currently airing in Japan series Dragon Ball Super. The "official" continuation of Z is Super, but GT is like an alternate future.


Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language


That said, the vast majority of America started with DBZ and if they didn't it likely wouldn't have been as popular. You won't be confused if you start with DBZ - it's the same characters (they're, for the most part, children/teenagers in DB and adults in DBZ) but the stories are completely different.

Dragon Ball is more lighthearted, silly, and fantasy oriented (though it still has the action elements), Dragon Ball Z is much more serious and action-oriented with more Sci-Fi elements, though it still retains that silly, fantastic spirit at times.


I always get confused on international boards, because to me, America is the whole continent and USA is the country.
I understand USA had DBZ first, but the majority of America (the continent) has Dragon Ball first and then Dragon Ball Z (mid 90's), all Latinamerican spanish-countries. I think Brazil had DB and then DBZ too, but I'm not sure.
Anyways, in Latinamerica, DBZ is more popular than DB too, kids like fights.

If OP decided to start with DBZ, I encourage him/her to see DB anyways, as a sort of "prequel" it may work, there's a lot of things you may not understand and the answer is in Dragon Ball.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language
