MovieChat Forums > Dragon Ball Z (1996) Discussion > Can someone explain the episode ratings?

Can someone explain the episode ratings?

The show has a rating of 8.8/10. Yet, none of the actual episodes have a rating that is 8/10 or higher. In fact, quite contrarily, the vast majority of them are overwhelmingly low, in the 4/10 to 6/10 range. Why is this? For a rating so high, you would think this would be one of the greatest television shows ever broadcast... and yet, with the episode ratings so low, you would think this is one of the worst monstrosities to ever air on television! Can anyone explain this discrepancy of ratings? Is the show good but the episode ratings inaccurate for some reason?



Maybe thats becuase IMDB is Being a Nostalgia-Freak like Zabon
Cause they hated the Cell Saga while they liked the first 3 Seasons of DBZ

The Ratings of the Cell Saga Episodes are Terribly Low, and so as the Buu Saga
I thought the Cell Games Saga has got some of the Best Gohan Moments Ever

The Lowest Rated DBZ Episode is Save the World
How come an Epic Episode has got a 1 out of 10?
its one of the best DBZ Episodes ever made and Zabon thinks its the Worst Episode

Save the World is Way Better than the Episodes where Goku&Vegeta are Inside Buu's Body
