The Top 10
Who where your favorite 10 DBZ characters regardless of powerlevel
6.Kid/Teen Govan
10.Android 18
Who where your favorite 10 DBZ characters regardless of powerlevel
6.Kid/Teen Govan
10.Android 18
shareMy Top 10 Favorites Have Always Been:
1. Zarbon - Ultimately, my most favorite character in the entire series due to being elegant, handsome, militaristic, ruthless, brutal, having serious mannerism, dying loyally, and having an exquisite reptilian design. These qualities all play a contributing factor; The role he portrays and his development are my favorite, that of Frieza's elite Commander-General and close henchman and adviser. The fact that he suggests to eradicate the Saiyan race is a brilliant idea and adds to my love for him. My great love stems from the brutal villainy and brutally grotesque demise... the great portrayal of emotions such as fear and cowardice when on bottom but brutal and extremely wicked when on top. The character of Zarbon is the pure definition of the beauty and the beast, he is the personification of the brutish demonic monster within and the ever-elegant warrior, mysterious and deadly... due to his brutal characteristic being entombed along with his magnificent stature. He's an emotional villain with double persona and greatly layered with dastardly deeds that come back to extinguish his flame. Zarbon's beat-down of Vegeta is my favorite scene in the series, especially the repeated headbutt combination he unleashes, relentlessly annihilating Vegeta's face. The overall battle is the best to me because it doesn't allow the protagonist a chance to even fight back; it's the evil character beating on the good one the whole time straight up. Also, I prefer Zarbon's transformation by a long margin to the other transformations in the series. For one, he doesn't charge up for an long amount of time and he doesn't have a minor alteration either. I like both his forms because they make him who he is, sadistic and brutal whilst handsome and mysterious. Elegant yet deadly... he's the beauty who hides a dormant beast. He has the most vivid execution scene, extremely gruesome and satisfying... and the method of execution was displayed brilliantly. Due to my love of aliens and demonic characters, Zarbon's reptilian ancestry and dynamic blue-skin adds furthermore to his sustained personality. Not only designed beautifully and having an appealing appearance, he also perishes in a powerful manner and very brutally. I prefer characters who die in a memorable way as opposed to those who live throughout the entire series. Those who captivate the screen in a shorter amount of time do a better job for me than those who last forever, because through a suspenseful demise... they live forever, surpassing the mortal coil of the norm. Still, he's my favorite character due to affiliation, design, actual villainy, and intricate detail.
2. Dodoria - This is definitely my second most favorite character due to affiliation and role. Dodoria is a major character in the Namek saga due to his murder of the Nameks, chasing Gohan and Krillin... his confrontation with Vegeta... and the fact that he plays a huge role in the Bardock movie. The very fact that he easily flicked Bardock away with a single mouth blast adds to his already remarkable character. And the way he treats the situation, as if it's just a daily job, makes it all the more wonderful. I love Dodoria for his ferocity when he butchers the Namek elderly and children... and when he threatens to murder Dende. I love the way he's drawn when portraying ferocious anger and clenching his fists in a fiery rage when he finds that Muuri destroyed his scouters on purpose... and his nails sink into his skin and his own hand bleeds from his rage. The very fact that he's also an elite Commander-General and one of Frieza's top two henchmen in an army of millions means that he'd merit a great deal of loyalty for the emperor. His fear and cowardice is also well-portrayed when he reveals the secret of the destruction of planet Vegeta, and succumbs to his fate shortly afterward. Also, I love the fact that he met a grisly demise. My favorite characters... as I discussed earlier, must die in a very climactic manner, play the role of a supporting villain, and remain evil until their final breath is drawn.
3. Cui - As all other underlings of Lord Frieza, Cui is high up there in the ranks. Likely third strongest of those directly aligned with Frieza's empire, Cui is a powerful warrior who has a rivalry with Vegeta. This builds to a strong climax in the Namek saga, where Cui finally attempts to thwart Vegeta's plan once and for all. However, he waited for a long time to receive these orders from Frieza. Cui's failure to understand Vegeta's increase in might ends up being his undoing as he learns the hard way how Vegeta had truly become stronger. I love Cui; what a magnificent design and mannerism. And he's onscreen for a shorter duration of time, yet built greatly as a villain character. Of course, those aligned with Frieza are automatically my favorites, and Cui is no exception. His frantic display of emotions... his immediate fear and eventual cowardice when the tables are turned make him an exceptional character and a perfect plot device. I love how he told Vegeta that Frieza was already on Namek, which triggered the chain of events, leading to Vegeta's travel to Namek and their overall clash on Namek.
4. Jeice - Yes, Jeice is my favorite Ginyu Tokusentai member. He's also my 4th most favorite character in the series run. Jeice's death scene was obviously my favorite of the Ginyu Force... and the role he played was slightly memorable. Of course, I loved his overall dislike towards Vegeta and the very essence of his characteristic was greatly appealing. His actions are extremely swift and his combination attacks with Burter are brilliant tactical maneuvers. His crusher ball technique is also well-made and devastating. The scene where it's deflected is very climactic. His execution scene is far too memorable, when Vegeta kicks him in the face, chops at his gut, making him choke and spit, and holds out his hand in front of Jeice's face, obliterating him in midair. That was greatly climactic and satisfying, increasing my love for Jeice.
5. Burter - Burter makes for the perfect combination partner alongside Jeice. As both bring forth a balance of skill and have a tactical advantage against opponents, Burter is the speed-induced powerhouse who was the fastest being in the universe for quite some time. As a member of the Ginyu Tokusentai, Burter is renowned for his ferocity in rendering his opponents helpless against a flurry of swift maneuvers. He first showcases this skill against Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin by retrieving a Dragon Ball from the sky before they even have a chance to turn their heads, leaving them baffled at his extreme speed. Whilst Goku still surpasses him and notes that he is not only faster but also stronger, his take-down is a magnificent bone-cracking sequence that renders him immobilized and helpless. Vegeta, who is the definition of the unforgiving and relentless character, swiftly and ruthlessly stomps on and cracks Burter's neck, ending his life in brilliantly memorable fashion, with Burter's tongue still sticking out.
6. Recoome - Definitely the most relentless and savage of the Ginyu squadron, Recoome portrays his brutal tactics as a warrior by pummeling Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin to within an inch of their lives and leaving them for dead before Goku arrives and takes him down. Recoome easily has the second-best fight sequence (in my opinion)... second only to that of Zarbon's battle with Vegeta. Recoome's ruthless pile-driver that pins Vegeta into the ground and his combination of bone-breaking maneuvers are what makes him awesome: the "Recoome Kick," "Recoome Elbow," "Recoome Eraser Gun" and his magnificent-sounding "Recoome Bomber" (which is even better as "Recoome Boomba!" in Japanese version) is my favorite blast attack in the series. Of course, Recoome does unleash this attack against Gohan, who barely manages to evade the madman's chaotic onslaught... Only to be pummeled into the ground and have his neck broken by a swift kick via Recoome's awesome muscular feet. For a fighter as brilliant as Recoome, it was rather surprising to see him have a lesser exit. As he easily immobilized Krillin, left Gohan for dead, and savagely brutalized the already rejuvenated Vegeta... He is taken down by a single strike to his gut from the 100-times-gravity trained Goku. It was only inevitable that Vegeta would end his life (with a blast while he's already downed) as he took the opportunity to do the same to pretty much most of my favorite characters. But this is fine... as Recoome is added to the greatness of those who are used as plot devices to build Vegeta's pre-existing awesome story-line.
7. Guldo - This little elite mercenary is quite awesome for having such a vivid hatred of Vegeta, which is quite understandable. As a vicious yet small warrior, he proves that big things come in little packages... Especially when that package tries to skewer Gohan and Krillin with mind tricks and body binds. Guldo uses every one of his telekinetic holds to weaken his opponents and uses these attacks to his advantage in order to incapacitate anyone who stands in his way. He is rather successful at maintaining a hold on Gohan and Krillin... As well as torturing them for a short period of time (which is rather enjoyable)... But Vegeta uses Guldo's carelessness to consider him a liability as an opportunity to strike at Guldo. Of course, he manages to hack off Guldo's head, decapitating him. This moment of impact is even better in the manga version when compared to the Anime version, although both are quite awesome. Guldo's head rolls on the ground, both cursing at Vegeta and begging for his life with an awesome showcasing of fear as Vegeta pronounces that it is those who are strong who survive and the weak who perish, greatly adding to the already brilliant ending for Guldo. Vegeta proceeds to firmly obliterate what remained of Guldo's head. What an awesome character to accomplish so much as a plot device in such a short period of time.
8. Android 19 - Android 19 would be my favorite in the Android saga. He's also my favorite android character. 19 was a greatly successful creation as he was an energy absorbing model. He also aided Dr. Gero to alter himself, making Android 20 a reality. On the matter of 19, I felt his fight was the best thing about the entire Cell saga as most of the rest of that saga just plain bored me... I absolutely hated 17 and 18... found them to be an utter useless waste of time (and they looked boring as heck)... as well as the fact that I absolutely detested their role of malfunctioning traitors (likely my least favorite characters in the entire series run). 19's fight completely filled me with joy (especially seeing that rotten Goku getting pounded when inflicted with the virus... and 19 enjoying the deadly tight grip as he tried to suck the life out of him... the sheer brutality and pleasure made for a great fight scene; especially when Vegeta showed up and handed 19's own behind to him by shredding off his arms and decapitating him. That was Just. Plain. Awesome.
9. Pui Pui - Pui Pui is by far my favorite of the entire Buu debacle due to his exquisite fighting maneuvers and capabilities. He first appears when Spopovich and Yamu return with the collected energy to revive Buu. He does quite well when told to eliminate Yamu, who attempts to escape, but is easily popped in midair by Pui Pui's nice shot. What an awesome stance Pui Pui has when blasting... And what an awesome stance he has when facing his opponents. Pui Pui was the strongest being in his quadrant of the universe, as stated by Supreme Kai... And he had lived under 10 times the gravity when compared to that of Earth's... But it was still not enough against Saiyan prince, Vegeta... Who had trained under 500 times the gravity of Earth. This comes as a surprise to the unfortunate yet awesome plot device that is Pui Pui. When attacking Vegeta in stage one of Babidi's spaceship, Pui Pui is taken down by the ruthless Saiyan prince (pretty much just like all the rest of my most favorite characters are). Pui Pui's death sequence is very well made as well, slowing down just to show his reaction as Vegeta closes in for the kill, blasting him to oblivion after placing his hands on his chest. This is very understandable as a sped-up reaction since any warrior that is caught by surprise would halt in the moment of their excruciating death. This only adds to the already-established awesomeness that is Pui Pui's character.
10. King Cold - Ah, the lord of the planet trade organization and lord of the universe itself... in a businessman's perspective, at least. I love Lord Cold for being such a calculated emperor and ruthless pillager of civilizations for such a long period of time. As he leads countless millions of soldiers and builds an empire of ruthless space pirates, trading planets for a living, he stabilizes his hold on the North quadrant of the universe as one of the most tyrannous rulers in all existence; being all the more awesome for me. King Cold is extremely elegant and majestic in his mannerism and behavior. With the twitch of every nerve and the movement of every limb, he places great expression and brilliant detail in his exquisite stature. His flowing cape and majestic armor... His wonderful throne and his beautiful spaceship... His glass of wine! Everything about him is a definition of awesomeness. Even with his brief episodic appearance, he accomplishes more than numerous other primary players. Of course, he is left in surprise when his equally vicious son, Frieza, is halved by Saiyan future fighter Trunks... And meets his end when learning that the sword does not make the man. Trunks doesn't give Cold a chance to fully beg as he blasts him to oblivion after sending him to a mountain with a gaping hole in his side. Although his wonderful empire crumbles before him, the greatness of King Cold lives on.
01. Tien
02. Piccolo
03. Goku
04. Yamcha
05. Trunks
06. Vegeta
07. Frieza
08. Chiaotzu
09. Krillin
10. Gohan
1. Krillin
2. Frieza
3. Piccolo
4. Android 18
5. Android 17
6. Gohan
The ranks get a little hazy after that. Goku, Tien, Raditz, Bulma, Yajirobe, Master Roshi are all characters I like a lot.
1. Goku
2. Vegeta (Saiyan Saga to Cell Saga)
3. Future Trunks
4. Piccolo
5. Gohan (Cell Games Saga)
6. Tien
7. Frieza
8. Perfect Cell
9. Broly
10. Master Roshi