Chi Chi sucks, she sucks so bad
Every time she is on screen i slam my head into the wall, she is the single worst invention by Toriyama. Gohan do your school work. Gohan wear this stupid and impractical outfit to Namek. Gohan, i don't care if your friends are dead and the planet is under threat of being destroyed, you have homework to do. Gohan, you just fought and defeated a threat to the world, now do your homework. Gohan, don't grow up to be like your father who is the hero and savior of the universe, no, you want to play with kids you have nothing in common with and grow up to work in a cubicle.
How Chi Chi and her critically judgmental and self-centeredly jaded self can ride the nimbus is beyond me. When your father is a highly trained martial artist and you are married to the greatest fighter in the universe, you need to get over your ideals of living some applepie life.